
An here I am reading the headline thinking it is completely ironic that people are throwing flares at people who support an arsonist.

You have listed all the exact reasons I have to watch the game at home every Sunday. The only hard part is finding excuses to turn down people that ask me to come over and watch the game with them.

a segmented speedrun definitely is not more skilled. Maybe if it was a straight run.

"reputation system is hugely flawed."

Are they using Old iphones as security cameras? God forbid a technology company have a little bit better scamera system.

This dude has got to be a smoker, my wavebird still looks like new.

"I have to go make more money than you." Best way to end a conversation.

more like: those look playable on my PSP. Still looking for a reason to upgrade, and I definitely don't see one.

Is this happening because Twitch streamers are giving away to much personal information? Otherwise how do these people know where they work/live?

The opposite team in that Titanfall clip were like the teenagers in a scary movie "we'll cover more ground if we split up!".

Look at Kratos connection at the end of The Last of Us clip... I hope that had nothing to do with his spree.

Get off Brees' nuts.


"I often felt kind of alienated by it"

Well put. I'm feeling in the same boat.

Everything Lady Gaga wears offends my eyes.

Ah okay, that makes more sense. Thanks for the info!

So what is the point in Far Cry 4 having "keys" you have to give out?

Lol this is funny