
If it was a hit squad they would have opened fire immediately after boxing him in, not try to extract him from his vehicle. It’s also philly, they were a bunch of older white dudes, one cop (in the green shirt) had a shield clearly visible, and a black cop had a police vest with police on the front and back, so I

I mean, the dude was a drug dealer, he wasn’t “unarmed” he was in a car trying to ram his way out, these dudes were on foot. One cop had his shield out, and another cop was wearing a police vest saying “police” on the front and back. All of the dudes were pretty old too, so I mean they kinda looked like cops not rival

Honestly what else can he do? Is anyone really gonna hire him? He’s a hateful self deprecating asshole that doesn;t know how to live within his means and just as plenty of people have predicted he would become irrelevant in a few years after when people start to wake up.

What else can he do but depend on people to pay

That’s a horrible IDEA. Where would it end? 

This whole situation is kinda silly. The whole point of creating and sharing a dance is so that everyone else can copy them and thereby spread them. How are you going to copyright a series of body movements? At what point does it end? Should we copyright people for sharing similar animations as well in the future?

Dances aren’t copyrightable. Nor should they be. That’s the whole point of sharing a dance with people so other people can use them. 

Aren’t those people white? RageAgainsttheTangerine seems pretty spot on with that assessment.

Police are protecting the white citizens of hoover while ignoring blacks and minorities. Your phrase sorta others all of us. Though not intentional its part of that process. Why sensible people still say oh my god despite

Now playing

People are embarrassed and aren’t gonna seek treatment since they’re afraid they’re gonna be outcasts when they come out of the clinic. This is a huge issue in the gay latino community and it 100% has to do with catholicism and the whole machismo culture. Black culture is just as bad. Nothing is gonna change until we

You really need to come off your high horse. Especially if you’re gonna be a complete hypocrite. You’re typing to me from your computer (or cellphone) passing judgement about people you would have never known about if it weren’t for television and the internet. You wanna be luddite, go live in a cave somewhere in Alask

he has no obligation to answer those questions, not only is he not obligated but it’s in his best interest not to answer those questions. Especially over twitter. People are gonna judge him unfairly regardless since it’s his word over theirs. 

Except your wrong about that, blacks have been advocating for everyone, except when blacks talk about issues that are specific to them they get uniquely singled out for being entitled or for not doing enough for everyone else (all lives matter). Or when Blacks make strides in pioneering diversity issues, they get

She has support from the black community. Black women have been fighting for equal pay and equal opportunities for POC for over 60 years. The way she phrases it makes it seem like blacks and asians are conspiring or are complicit in the under-representation and the under compensation latina actresses have to endure.

Why did she feel the need to lump whites, blacks, asians all together?

lol the best part about that hat is that at first class it looks like you’re one of them. Then they get closer and feel betrayed and know they can’t say anything without looking like a douchbag for fear others might be like you. 

Now playing

notice all of them have the same flow, same beats, same lyrics. They use the same fucking programs and just copy each other endlessly. Music industry likes these guys cause they’re fucking stupid and make other kids stupid listening to their dumb shit. It’s also super easy to produce for these guys since they have 0%

Properly done stuffing is quite delicious. Mofongo is not. I’ve had mofongo from multiple people an i live in a predominately puertorican town where there are plenty of stores, bodegas and restaurants which serve this concoction. It has never been tasty. I’ll stick to the regular stuffing thanks. 

You don’t need to shit on blacks to make a point like that. Blacks are busy campaigning for their own representation, as they have been for decades. Latinos need to do the same thing. Ultimately when blacks get fair treatment in Hollywood it benefits everyone a little more, but its not going to happen instantly, and

Persecution to christians and to extent even white people is you telling them they’re not allowed to trample over other people’s autonomy and rights. Then getting frustrated when they don’t have unilateral authority to fuck with people however the fuck they want anymore like they used to.

Majority of people in congress are pretty loaded, it’s rare as fuck for working class people to actually get elected. Barely anyone would be using a dorm in DC, would be a waste of tax payer money.