
Because they’re white, that’s why. The second you get your white privilege card all facts go out the window. This is how they have worked for centuries.

You also have to consider that the first thing a white person did as soon as they got off the boat was to discard everything about their culture immediately just so

To be honest most of the HBCU are kinda failing and desperate for anyone. It was probably one of the cheaper schools in the area. It’s a shame that she went to an HBCU and didn’t learn shit about black culture, just goes to show how bad HBCU’s have fallen down and how badly they need our support. I think some HBCU’s

Maga mother fuckers and conservatives in general don’t listen to statistics and reason. Most people white people don’t either when they know they’re defending shit that’s indefensible but defend it anyway because they think it’s tied to their identity. I’ve lost plenty of white friends over this shit since being white

I mean this is being white 101. They would rather burn this whole country to the ground before they give up a shred of power, or admit that their whiteness and their identity of being white for the sake of maintaining power is the reason why this country is so fucked in the first place. 

Those aren’t really facts tho, 38% of people are against refugees meaning the majority of Americans are okay with them being here. How many people in Nazi Germany do you think straight up supported the Nazi’s? Like this shit always starts slow, people think because we aren’t putting people in concentration camps yet

You can portray yourself as mixed if you want, but you don’t get to switch back and fourth between identities whenever its convenient for you. I’m mixed, and I don’t look black, I look mostly latino, there’s no way I would even dare try to audition for the role of John Henry since my appearance diminishes the message

So you’re trying to say we just need to bend over and take it in the ass whenever the whiteman tries to dilute culture and ethnicity into some sort of blur of nothingness ? Like representation in the media = power. Your suggesting we should willfully reduce our power ? 

No, since getting someone’s IP address is the shittiest way to Dox someone. Not hard to find people’s names and work backward from there. If your streamer has their own website, it will most likely be registered to their name. You can also check their social media accounts etc to gather information about them. Pretty

I didn’t notice your first comment, otherwise I would have responded to you here for simplicity sake, for I apologize for that.

Yea, but it’s still not addressing the issue. Cops are way too trigger happy these days. If they improved their methods, there wouldn’t be much risk of innocent people being murdered by cops in their own homes for streaming.

This seems like a half measure, the issue stems from use of excessive force, if they toned down their escalation to immediate violence they would save lives. While its laudable that they would implement any measure, this isn’t the proper course. Maybe if cops hired people with higher IQ’s they could be more critical

Cause you know, streamers know when someone is going to swat them, so they’ll be able to flag themselves before hand in anticipation of someone anonymously swatting then ...

You must be white ... 

I’m 32 

what does Frank Stallone do ? 

who is that ? 

Soon as they step out of the fucking car their cameras should be on, cameras on guns as well soon as it leaves the holster. Fuck, even a deployable drone that launches as soon as their car is stopped and they exit the vehicle. There should be multiple cameras running and their should be failsafes to ensure that they

not so much the issue with boobies but an issue with their shitty kid doing something shitty (usually something violent) and then saying they played X video game and now we need to ban X games for being violent. Despite hundreds of studies saying violent video games don’t really cause people to go out and commit

Sega handles all their properties poorly. This is what happens when you give your beloved properties to low tier developers that do nothing but churn out licensed garbage or shovel ware, then play musical chairs with different devs every other year.

Without him there’s really no point in calling this streets of rage, they should have just slapped some other games name on it and made it a homage. Music in the trailer sounds very generic and the gameplay and art style lacks personality as well.