
It’s pretty smart of them not. People are gullible. This is the same way cigarettes were sorta marketed. All your friends are on the PS4 ? You dont want to be the one loser without them! Think of PSN as an exclusive club that you need a ps4 to access. If enough people are in that club you’re gonna want in to

I agree that crossplay helps consumers, but in sony’s case it’s bad for their business because it weaken’s their exclusive club. The only way to get access to Sony’s club is to buy a ps4 which is why they will never allow cross platform play. They’re full of shit.

Oh yea i said fuck em, im not buying a ps4 for them, but not everyone is at stalwart as me.

Sony and Microsoft were fighting for the number 2 spot. Nintendo dominated that generation with the Wii and neither Sony nor Microsoft came close to what Nintendo was able to pull off, neither caught up to Nintendo. Eventually Sony captured the number 2 spot AFTER the PS4 launched .... which falls in line with what i

You’re preaching to the choir brother lol . I agree with most of what you said but the thing you’re missing is that the more people buy a ps4 the bigger their club gets. The more members in their club, the more likely you are to know someone in that club, if enough people you know are part of this exclusive club,

No offense but you wrote a whole lot without saying very much. If your head hurts it’s because you’re trying way to hard to over think this by trying to find a specific example where this isn’t true and you got your fanboy jimmies all rustled. You also come off kinda hostile so before you get further rattled remember

Valve doesn’t exert the same control over how pc games are sold and operated the same way Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft does. They don’t make games, they’re in open competition with a bunch of other vendors on pc, including physical retail space. They are a source of DRM and a market space. Sony is more than just a

Kinda does, until the next console comes out. Once a console takes a lead with install base it usually keeps that lead until the next generation. It’s worked this way in every generation. The amount of users with consoles is only going to grow not shrink.

It’s not even about bro gamers. If all your friends are playing

Well the only scenario that benefits sony is the one where they make money. If you can buy any console to play any game, you have no incentive to purchase a ps4. I have tekken 7, i want to play with my friends but I refuse to buy a console, if i want to play with them i have to buy a ps4. Their install base is large

I abandoned console gaming when they announced the PS4 because i saw the writing on the wall during the ps3 era. When they didn’t announce backwards compatibility for the ps4 and when they had no stategy to allow you to play all those fucking games you paid for off of PSN and have the gall to enact a mandatory charge

because the real reason is more nefarious, by maintaing exclusivty of multiplayer sony can use your friends as leverage to tempt you into buying a ps4. If all your friends are gaming without you on the ps4, eventually you’ll break down and buy a ps4 to join them. They’re leveraging their large install base to use peer

Greed. PS4 has a huge install base, if all your friends have ps4's and you don’t why give a leg up to the competition when they can use your friends to peer pressure you into buying a ps4 so you can play with them.

That has nothing to do with it. Why would you think that lol. Sony makes tons and tons of money, they have other reasons why they won’t allow this and it has more to do with using their multiplayer and install base to peer pressure people into buying into the ps4 ecosystem. IF all your friends are getting the hot new

Nintendo needs all the help it can get. Exclusivity in multiplayer only helps the sales for Sony not hurt it because their install base is so huge. IF all your friends have ps4's and you don’t and a new game comes out that you want to play is on the ps4 ... guess what you’ll have to do to play with your friends?


it’s an excellent long term strategy because stupid customers keep supporting them. More people buying ps4's means a larger install, the larger their install base the more likely it will be that some of your friends will own ps4's. If enough of your friends have the hot new game on ps4, and you want to play with them

That excuse is BS and they know it. The only reason Sony Execs don’t allow cross platform play is because they’re a market leader with a large ( and growing ) install base and they know they can peer pressure more people into buying a ps4 if everyone of their friends owns one except them. Why allow cross platform play

Not really, it only helps. If all your friends have ps4's and you have a pc or xbox or what not and you now can no longer play with your friends, guess what ? You’re gonna have to break down and buy a ps4. It’s more of a clever form of marketing by using peer pressure. They know they have a large install base, they

It was basically just resident evil 4 with a less satisfying story and game play as well as a shitty dlc add on that you were forced to play in order to try to make sense of what transpired. All in all if you wanted to play re4 again, but with different characters you would enjoy evil within as it wasn’t a bad game,

Now you’re just being pedantic, you knew what I mean. It’s obvious I still think it doesn’t. I think framing the argument from that position is faulty from the outset. A lot of people who hold zero interest in your product have no intention of buying it either, do we count them as lost sales as well ? I would never

Most people would just go without. If you can’t afford a game at 60 bucks, not having the option to pirate isn’t gonna make you suck dick to buy the new madden. If you think 60 bucks is too high to pay for the newest COD, you’re not gonna suck it up and pay for it. You’re gonna wait for the game to go on sale and buy