Your New Friend

“People don’t have the right to impose their lifestyle on others who have an equal right to be left alone

From the navel up, the only physiological difference they care about between men and women is that women have larger mammary tissue to house the biological foundation for nourishing infants. Sexualizing that is gross. Yes, I understand that this is 2017 and women’s breasts have been seen as sexual organs forever, but

You are really melodramatic for being a troll.

You are completely and utterly wrong; he came here with his mother fleeing persecution and applied for asylum, which is exactly the way that he legally should have done it.

To have so much hate in you, your life must be one long, overflowing river of misery. No empathy, no compassion - just hate. I’m sorry for you, and for the people around you.

When interviewed, local residents felt that the only obscenity on display should be their wealth.

I can’t say I get the whole “thirst” thing. About the only thing I “thirst” for is conversation. I could not, cannot, will not, and never have given much of a shit about what people (CAVEAT: people who don’t matter) think of me. And, frankly, I’d like to see that mentality pop up more often.

I don’t usually call them out, but there were so many it distracted from the subject matter.

I would cut off my left hand to have a President Michael Bloomberg right now. And he’s not even a Democrat.

Imagine having such a great opportunity to learn and grow (visiting that museum) and instead deciding to continue on being a hateful, cowardly, disgusting bigot. What a sad and pathetic life.

Ya I mean, if you asked me to pick the dude most likely to be racist after these two episodes, it would obviously be this idiot.

How much vetting did they really need to do, though? Isn’t that like, the new standard issue white supremacist douche haircut?

This lady, in additon to being a racist, sounds like a special class of fruit loop (O pioneer, if you move to a predominantly black neighborhood, maybe expect to see black folks standing on the sidewalk outside of your house?). But WTF is going on with the Southampton police? Per the Press:

I came here and didn’t see color.

I didn’t have a problem with it but now I do

“Lemon Demon” is bothering me way too much because I want to pronounce it “leemon demon” or “lemon dehmon”

Beat me to it. Cannot see anything but Dora the Explorer, and it...kinda ruins the horror vibe lol.

Sorry, am I missing something? Where does the article state a worry about California being hit by a NK missile?

You’re right. As long as it can’t hit us who cares if it happens. It’s not as if we’ll have to intervene if our allies are hit so let’s ignore the situation until those missiles can at least hit Alaska.

That’s what happens when the pay for being a TSA agent is peanuts.