I’m gonna say it: ModCloth had such cute stuff, but the items were almost never worth it for the price.
I’m gonna say it: ModCloth had such cute stuff, but the items were almost never worth it for the price.
Let’s all make a commitment in these comments to not engage the Dolezaltrolls yeh?
...turn the clocks and calendars back to last October and hope these assholes end up confused enough to leave office and go back on the campaign trail.
Of course we are.
We’re all living in the upside down now, so why not make it official and turn the flag upside down? Sing the national anthem backwards?
I did detect an anarchist sensibility among Trump supporters during the election, so that makes sense. The attitude seems to be, “things aren’t perfect, so let’s blow it all the fuck up and rebuild from scratch. Or better yet, not rebuild.”
Bannon clearly wants to bring the government down, civil servant by civil servant if necessary. So now they’re hollowing out the Justice Dept. There’s already little left of the State Dept (we have no confirmed Ambassadors, all the incumbents were fired, and only a half dozen replacements have even been named).
It may be upside down, but it looks rightside up to Spicer when he stares down his nose at it.
This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.
pretty sure god would care MORE about the abuse of these poor kids than she would whose genitals they put their mouths on.
I still have my 1986, Rambo-branded, survival knife. Whacha gonna do with your silly string when I emerge behind you from a wall of mud and slit your throat? Huh, Katniss? Huh?
Well a swamp provides ecological benefits and has a reason to exist.
Couldn’t agree more. All our love and support to the ladies of Jezebel!
*hyperventilating* Is this my chance to see Drew Magary write The Hater’s Guide to This Week in Tabloids? ARE MY DREAMS FINALLY COMING TRUE, EMMA?!
Jezebel has become very meaningful to me, so all my love and support to the writers striking. This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now, and the commenters here are gold. Life would be shit without the women writers of Jezebel. ❤🌸
No women looking for and enjoying sex is the true sin.
And the essence Indian child removal policies.
If we’re lucky, it will clear up after 4 years!
Only gonna say this ‘cause I didn’t learn until I was 22 and it caused me a lot of grief: