Bless her.
Bless her.
She gives me so much hope for the future of our battered and broken world. God bless her.
She is an incredible girl with incredible strength and fabulous scarves. Seriously, every time I see her I'm like, I want that scarf so badly. Then I feel shallow. Still, they are always gorgeous.
I have diabetes, so peeing is my life. But I teach in a place where we use instructional DVDs, so I can set up the DVD and pee. It is awesome. I am too old to work in places where I am not allowed to pee to my heart's content. They also accommodate me by giving me the classrooms near the toilet.
You know, they don't. My best friend from childhood happens to be an actual doctor in employee bathroom rights (his PhD is in anthropology, but his thesis is in the history and current conditions of labor rights in bathroom use). He came to my city a few years ago to write an article on a major telecom who was keeping…
It got to the point where I'd heard that shit so often l wanted to scream "shove your crackers up your ass!!!" whenever someone suggested a remedy. I didn't though.
I was wearing Sea Bands, they helped for a while, sipping ginger ale, eating Gin Gin candies like it was going out of style and practically snorting lines of soda crackers.
are you sure you just didn't forget about GINGER ALE?!?! Jesus Christ people suck.
I heard variations on that. And a lot of "well I had morning sickness and..." stuff too. It was really annoying to be struggling so hard and hearing nothing but criticism and dismissals.
"My wife had morning sickness and it wasn't that bad"
A disabled friend of mine had a similar issue (only with potty breaks) because she's in a wheelchair and has to go to another floor for the appropriate restroom, and it takes 20 min on a good day with no waiting in line. Once her supervisor gave her a hassle over it she offered and *started* to demonstrate the whole…
Because God knows we'd rather have our faces in the toilet, or be stuck in bed than doing productive work. Pregnant women don't need money or want to advance in their careers.
"So I started barfing into large Ziploc freezer bags wherever I was around him to save time."
I bitch barfed the Crazy Playpen Lady and the woman who butted in with her opinion on overhearing my saying I would try to breastfeed for three months. We were trying to eat dinner on one of my better days and she tried to tell me "what a disservice I was doing to my baby blah blah blah" and I unfolded my bag and let…
It's like we're joking about actually being sick or morning sickness is a cutesy, fun thing. It's not. It's terrible and it gets scary when you start working about it effecting the baby.
my number one life suggestion is never pee on your own time
Seriously. If someone was pregnant and on staff, they'd have to come and sexually harass a client to get fired...and even then, I think it's 50/50. This never ends well.
I am not even going to address the obvious stupidity on the gender aspect. Everyone else will.