
Interesting synopsis. I'd still rather see this than a "serious" treatment of the book, however.

THANK YOU. There is nothing remotely interesting or deep about the Heinlein book apart from "hey, power armour!". Which, as you rightly point out, is cool when you're 13 but meh when you discover the opposite sex. The movie did a brilliant job of lampooning the book's martial tone and fascism — as in the Mussolini

Replying to promote (error on page won't go away).

There's a lot of comparison in this thread to JC being a hybrid/ripoff of Conan, Star Wars, Avatar, what-have-you. Let's just remember that, while not completely original itself, the JC books and universe came before any of this.

More like Lucas ripped off Edgar Rice Burroughs.

"Zombie Ken Also Available"

I heartily agree. Most of AI seemed to be some kind of misdirected homage that ultimately didn't succeed.

Yep. Re Morocco: the instrumentaion is very middle-eastern/Arabic sounding and is not particular to the region for which the song is named. But then again, brown is brown is brown. Like Chinese/Japanese/Korean/whatever, it's all the same, right?

Cashmere = The woolen fabric for a woven item, such as a sweater.

I look forward to the day when we no longer have to teach kids to look both ways before crossing the street. This will save time and effort for parents, money for school administrators, and stress for nannies and babysitters. It's a win-win-win!

But what if you're in the mood for actual potato chips? Pringles are lame, LAME I TELL YOU. Last resort munchies.

Arnie should do descriptive audio for EVERY movie.

I refuse to believe this is anything but the most cunning and subtle piece of performance art created since Andy Kaufman shuffled off this mortal coil.

How cool is that... ya gotta hand it to the doctors...

Yes indeed, thanks for the spoiler alert.

But then you might forget who made it...

Ah, so what? It's not like they could operate machinery, build a website, or host a reality TV show.

Well then that explains it. And my comment about "dumb" was displaced. Both directors rely way too heavily on this kind of show-off filmmaking. Pretty but vacant, and ultimately uninteresting.

Now playing

Ugh, what jerk-offery. I haven't seen such a profligate display of lack-of-directorial-skills-hiding-behind-crappy-slo-mo-and-overdone-CGI (there should be a word for this — anyone?) since, uh, The Cell!