
Huh. Pot, meet Kettle.

Yeah, dude knows how to make a great film, but Naked Lunch was just meh, and Crash was quite awful, actually. I hate to say it, but it was just so serious and pretentious. I remember the book being quite funny in parts, and he just killed the mood. Cripes, I think James Spader had a full range of two facial

Oh yes. Great movie. With no prior knowledge of the plot, characters, or content, in university I took a first date to this movie. First and only date, as it turned out.

Totally True Fact: The ancestral Sikh homeland in India is the state of Pun-jab.

Mostly True Fact: the stealth version of this, used by assassins in 18th century India, is called Hide and Sikh.

OK I'll just come out and say it: I saw this movie and thought it was a bunch of pretentious crap. Like Terminator meets Smokey and the Bandit without the fun of either. Mrs. Yournamehere actually fell asleep in he theatre. Gaaaaad-DAMN I could not wait for this directorial wankfest to end.

I haven't see Inception yet... NO RESPONSES WITH SPOILERS OR IMA CUT YOU UP.

Mrs. Yournamehere! has never seen Star Wars. A close friend of hers couldn't tell you the difference between Star Trek & Star Wars.

Oh! The Places You’ll Go!

Cold comfort for those who loved him and urged him to have the surgery earlier. God forbid Steve Jobs be remembered for being just as human and prone to the same emotions and faulty logic as the rest of us.

Alcohol drippings make a great base for the gravy therefrom.

I suggest the large-print edition of War and Peace.

I hear there's a new movie coming out with CW playing a vampire:

"Snooki" and "novel" are two words that should not be found in the same sentence.

This deserves a star. Well done.

How do we know this story wasn't written by some kind of fiendishly almost-intelligent automaton?

Easy, Skippy. Channel that energy productively: we need an eighth to row against the Princeton alums!