
@mesosuchus: So we're not going to see monster insects any time soon? Guess I'll just have to go rent Starship Troopers.

@b33g33: I believe Uranus is still the dirtiest of the planets.

@99TelepodProblems: Given unlimited time and an unlimited supply of lego bricks, they probably could.

Awesome. Up next: Scientists unlock the secret to making smarter insects.


Puddle lights?

Also, I think the Brown Sugar reference is related to the Stones song of the same name, and he don't know what it means cuz he's jes' plain folks like all y'all...

What the fuck is this guy talking about and why does he get so much attention?

@Bootknife-Jackson: One can only hope. He's pretty quick on the draw for this kind of thing.

@OutlawDominus: Amen to that. The original is a far superior film, and not scary in any way.

@RubiksCube: Nope. The late Mr. Heston was head of the NRA (National Roll Association).

@iNFERNiS: Er, any Apple iMind app would automatically filter out the porn.

@FriarNurgle: Daniel Craig has really let himself go lately.

Great, I'm planning my 3-D headaches now.

@McMike: That was awesome.