
Chuck Norris.

Aaron & his wife are in a truly heartbreaking situation. Kudos to him for remaining as calm as he did (relatively speaking) with these fine, upstanding Christians.

@timobrien1: I always thought they looked like fried eggs. But that'd be alright, cuz this implies the accompanying appearance of bacon.

They're bringing back an old villain from Star Trek? Really?

@Stymie99: Steve Jobs doesn't search. He knows everything.

Mrs. Yournamehere! hates some of these things — coffee & grapefruit most notably. She does, however, luv spinach, alochol & cilatnro, and also adds salt to everything.

HA HA HA HA HA. Nice Photoshop.

Huh? Could've been any electronic device. This had more to do with Douchey McDouche being a douchebag than the iPad being in the picture.

Well hold the presses. MS chief and his wife don't allow Apple products in their house.

@Unchill English Bro: Yeah, no kidding. Either that or put the climber on a static line: "TAKE TAKE TAKE GODDAMNIT YOU'RE RUNNING ME OUT!"

@Vinnie Vici: You led it, right? I can't see this being toproped. Easily, anyhow.


That'll learn 'im!

"Far from being young, as young as a human being can be, they seemed immensely old, their foreheads and features streamlined by time, as archaic and smooth as the heads of pharaohs in Egyptian sculpture, as if they had traveled an immense distance to find their parents."

I read this headline quickly as "Will Ferrell takes over from Arnold etc." and a few seconds later realized my mistake.

@Freezen: Well, yeah. Got a big string of 'em hanging up in the smokehouse right now. Right next to the winter pemmican storage.

@Freezen: What else do I use as missiles for hunting chickadees?

@Freezen: I look forward to the day I can stop asking my American relatives to stop smuggling paperclips when they visit.

FYI Bubbles are illegal in Canada.