
You're willing to spend money on (essentially) another adult's meal as an attempt to educate a child's palate when there's a 75% chance the kid won't eat it? That's insane. If you want your little one to try something not so cheap and unhealthy, give them a portion of your dinner. This is assuming that you still

"Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground" by Blind Willie Johnson

I'm glad Nathan added the reference to a fish being up the guy's ass, because I didn't know whether to picture that, or a guy with an old school Rickenbacher stuck up his tuchis.

what the fuck……no mention of Yuki's "Sentimental Journey?" I am officially outraged.

holy shit…….lamest interview subject of all time


i agree 100% with the whole "gay kids need to know they're okay" angle. That's the only real reason I can see there being any kind of need for gay-centered essays/travelogues/this-is-what-my-partner-and-I-did-last-weekend stuff. Being young sucks in general because so many people give you shit, and you're not old

if a straight person told this story, it would be equally boring. In fact, they do it all the time. The point seems to be that being gay makes it inherently more interesting than if it WAS told by a straight person. I know that gay people are viewed and marketed as cutting edge strictly because of their sexuality,

sigh…….I hope we can somehow get over this whole "gay = interesting" trend before I die. You want to make gay kids feel less "abnormal"? Don't give them the impression that Being Gay needs to be who and what they are, all the time. Straight kids have hobbies and lives that don't revolve around being straight — give

100% agreement. I wasn't watching the show very regularly at that time, but for some reason, I happened to catch the Franco episode that featured "Monster Pals." Part of me wondered if the show was turning a corner, featuring truly interesting stuff on a regular basis. That part of me was very wrong…..

Mike O'Brien is the only reason I sometimes check out the show. His stuff was always among the best — you could tell by the way they'd put it on at 11:50 (Chicago time) more often than not. One of my favorite teachers at IO, too……

I knew you'd get what I was saying. Honestly, I don't know that I've read much of what Will has written, so I really should give him the benefit of the doubt. He was definitely correct about his assessment not being exactly popular, that's for sure…. :)

I don't know……it's not like Belfort was Henry Lee Lucas. As greedy and narcissistic as the character was, he was damned entertaining to watch, and you did get to see him fuck up his own life, which certainly made most people feel better. And we're not even touching on the brilliant job Leo did in the role. Just

it's extremely troubling that someone who liked The Wolf of Wall Street is assumed to have been "rooting" for Jordan Belfort. He was morally bankrupt, yes, but just enjoying the movie doesn't mean you overlook this reality, or that you must even like him. This person works for the AV Club, and they don't know that?

I am apparently the only person on the planet who thought the ambiguous ending of Inception was a giant middle finger to the audience as well as a cheap, shitty, bush-league director trick.

my friend was putting together a band to play backup for a local Chicago guitar "legend"……the guy was really good, but unbelievably cheesy. For whatever reason, he was opening for a couple of bands in Champaign, where one of us went to school, so we made a weekend out of it and trekked down there. The crowd in front