
Jezebel: Abortion Abortion Abortion!

Your snarky response is not a good excuse for delivering Donald Trump to 330M Americans for a second time.

Oh, good! one issue voters shooting themselves in the foot and helping Trump get back in the White House!

you can pat yourself on the back and feel like a good citizen when Trump gets in then lol

Yes because what we really need during this particular election is leftist infighting from people who are laser focused on Gaza and nothing else

And once again not a SINGLE article about the rapes and murders of Israeli women and children as well as the pregnancies of Israeli women by the terrorists. This site isn’t feminism it’s an antisemitic place that the untalented go to rot. 

Crystal is a schmuck

I was at the rally. I took the opportunity to speak to female American graduate student Crystal Jewell. Crystal is convinced there’s no point in voting. American democracy is broken and she won’t waste any more of her time on it.  That’s what she said.

How to re-elect Trump, STEP 1:

These people are gonna fuck around and bring us President Trump again.

Trump cut $200M in aid to Palestine after the PLO wouldn't join his peace talks. The Republicans didn't care then and I can't imagine that they will now. 

That face alone is a sex crime. 

I would really like to see Kimmel sue Rodgers until Aaron’s wealth matches his IQ.

that’s a pretty big generalization. Israel’s government? Absolutely, they’re doing awful stuff to civilians that should not be happening. “The jewish people”? no group of people is monolithic in thought and motivation based on one identifying factor

Holy shit you’re still blatantly lying about the now-confirmed hospital explosion being an errant HAMAS rocket, that also did way less damage than they lied about initially.

The left is insane. The only Jewish country in the WORLD had a massacre and the left BLAMES Israel. Islamic Jihad bombed its own hospital (A Christian hospital) and Israel still gets blamed after Biden announces the opposite through intelligence. Jezebel which “supports women” doesn’t  care about the Israeli women


Using photos of a girl who turned you down in a high school to lie about her parents being racist is some deeply fucked up behavior 

Kind of shocked that the Jezebel commentators, not the writers, would be all “But comedians exaggerate” to defend Minhaj after making the most incel type shit story, I’ve heard.

Almonds are horrendous for the environment and objectively cannot be milked.