
You could build an entire house out of all that straw.

The Finance Minister is not an investment banker though, he ran a HR consulting firm, he understands retirement, pensions and finance. This is a pretty great appointment.

There’s gender parity and there’s racial diversity, too.

“But this is what the liberal media always does, it attacks the messenger trying to avoid the message,” she said. “Here is the message: It is factually true that women have been hit very hard by progressive policies.”

there seems to be a trend here right now in our news media (the CBC currently being the worst that i’m aware of) that the comments sections on articles are flooded with conservative/right-wing troll posters, especially of the sexist and racist variety (they’re really big on hating women and muslims right now). when it

Perhaps. But it’s been proven that even in cases in which women work as many or more hours then men, they’re still expected to do the housework.

Plenty of people get tired of being “just a girlfriend” and want the title and the party. There is real discontent at not having that moment. It’s a dealbreaker for many.

I know I am a grizzled not quite old lady but every time a friend comes to me bitching about the lack of a proposal and how she can’t stand the idea of still being just his girlfriend, my response is, “If you can leave this relationship over a ring and a party, you should probably go find someone you want to spend

He is the coach reciting a prayer for all the kids to hear. What kid, who wants to be on the coaches good side and get some playtime on the field, is not going to feel they need to participate? That has no place in a public school. He can silently and quietly pray all he wants…but they are more interested in preaching.

40 HR and a .913 OPS is a circus act?

Also in this case Deadspin isn’t being contrarian at all, 99% of the human population enjoyed that bat flip/home run/celebration. The other 1% being Rangers fans/players, grumpy 80 year old sports writers and a few burner kinja accounts.

Bring it Texas! ;)

Not surprising considering the history and real legacy of Mother Theresa. Just following in her footsteps of actually hurting people instead of really helping. Luckily there are loads of amazing and cool nuns, but Mother Theresa and her order were/are not these people.

Are you kidding?

Spears shall be shaken! Sheilds shall be shattered! A sword day! A red day, ere the sun rises!

I know, what’s more American than beating the shit out of your family and paying a lawyer to get you off on criminal charges.

Looks like its curtains for her.

My guess on what really went down:

Fuck it, I don’t want a mouth full of grease/oil. That’s why I blot that bad boy, not because I want to delude myself into beleiving I’m some how saving myself calories.

I carry a picture of Hitler in my wallet to honor Kaiser rolls.

Those two are some gorgeous, goofy men. They’re perfect.