
I just went to watch the Entourage movie trailer because I hadn’t seen it (or a single episode of the tv show) and I’m seriously disappointed to learn that George Takei was in this douche-bro flick... I feel betrayed!

Funny, a lot of people don’t consider some of those sports ‘sports’ either - because just like you they’re condescending.

Yeah our school was average sized as well, we all knew each other (probably only about 150-200 grads).

Most of my friends are high school friends, 15 years removed from graduation we’re still silly close. But graduation itself was never a big deal, it was just something that happened, and some of us went because our parents wanted us to, some wanted to get dressed up, but a large chunk of us couldn’t care less.

Are high school graduations that much of a big deal? I did’t even bother to attend mine (same as 20 per cent of my graduating class), I just got a nice envelope in the mail a week later with my honours diploma and a congratulatory form letter from the principal.

I had to go back and re-read the article to make sure I didn’t miss something, but no, I didn’t: Nowhere in that article did it imply this was going to happen in ‘30-40 years’, or even in our lifetimes. The maps just looked at what would happen if we sat on our heels and let the entire cryosphere melt.

See, my first reaction was “Wow... I guess that’s one way to start a song. But is it necessary?”

The book was definitely, 100 per cent more graphic than the tv show, I almost stopped reading it at a couple points because of it. The show did a very god job in portraying what was excruciating t read.

I don’t buy that - I always get a full can, in coach, on my flights. But I’m a white female, so all I have to do is say “could I have a whole can?” and they give me one unopened.

My evil little sister used to give out a fake name alongside my cell phone number at the clubs she frequented in her early 20’s. It wasn’t uncommon for a while for me to get three or four randos call me a week. Of corse she didn’t bother warning me, and it took me about 6 months to figure out the calls coincided with

This needs to be bumped up!

Agreed. I recently moved from the ‘Big City’ to a much smaller ‘City’ and noticed that where I’m from, even though were 30+, fewer than a third of my large group of friends are married, and only a couple of the married ones have children.

It’s holds about accurate for my group of friends (82-86), we’re somewhere between 1 partner and 7 at the highest (as far as we’ve honestly discussed it at least).

It’s been 3.5 years for me, and frankly I don’t miss it because I haven’t been in a substantial enough relationship in that span that made me miss it.

I like that rule...

Yeah except it’s the swill sold at the Beer Store, and no real self-respect fan of beer considers Coors or Canadian anything more than moose piss that you drink at family functions only because your uncle Dave is so cheap he won’t buy everyone real beer.

My understanding was that it was done in both languages - the first trailer released (as far as I know) was in French.

I think the other poster is right, we’ll probably see it at TIFF too!

Well other than Quebec I mean...

Same for me - I’ve never seen the Prince in anything but French, so the idea of watching an English version disappoints me.