Your Local IT Guy

How is this a red herring? you’re talking about not letting adults exercise their second amendment rights until THREE years after they become an adult.

Awesome, you just showed two people commuting a felony!

“There’s no need to amend the Constitution to actually suppress the ownership of firearms, because the Constitution is a document about basic premises of either what our government’s job is or what rights we have as citizens. Anything not outlined there, is left to the federal government and the states.” Actually you

And this right here is the problem with you people who say you want to “debate”. You start out strong, and I’ll still write down my thoughts in good faith. BUT, then you end with this bull shit... “You own your guns on the blood of children.” Fuck you. I have never used a firearm to hurt anyone and to try to paint me

Wow, someones an internet tough guy....

what i’m saying is you cant pick and choose what rights are available to people at what age. It’s gotta be you’re old enough to be an adult take everything that goes along with that, or you’re not.

“I’m all for saying the 2nd amendment gives you a right to own a gun, but the Constitution is not some inerrant document that can’t be revised.” Great, revise it. But stop trying to push for this incremental revocation without going through the amendment process.

I think the amount of students there that are 18yo are far fewer than you’re attempting to imply, but correct, 18yo high school students can leagally purchase some firearms in some states.

But there’s the problem, you cant arbitraraly say that ADULTS cant exercise their rights. What about saying you have to be 21 to fall under the 4th ammendment? or you have to be at least 21 to exercise your freedom of speech? People would be outraged, and rightfully so. The only way current laws avoid this is by

“So let’s get down to the crux of the matter. You’re fine with being the most murderous first world country by a country mile if that’s the price of a constitutionally protected freedom. Just admit it.” Actually the only way we’re the world leader in murders is if you use increadibly skewed statistics, so thats point

Or because specific polititions in office right now have called for outright gun bans or have stated that the intended purpose of their restricitons were to be a stepping stone to the same.

You mean the right to be barred from schools, day cars, federal buildings, courthouses, libraries, hospitals, museums, sporting events, most of Chicago, and almost all of Washington DC?

What other rights do you think you should have to be 21 to exercise? Maybe we should raise the voting age to 21 as well.

Whats it like supporting such a strawman argument?

Please show me one of those CHILDREN who can legally purchase a firearm.

“1. They know a 19 year old with a history of mental illness and run-ins with the police was easily able to get an AR-15 thanks to the NRA and GOP.” It actually seems that it was the mayor, local sheriff, and some lazy FIB personnel who allowed this guy to skate by without any official notice that would have prevented

“But it doesn’t take a Beltway policy wonk to take a look across the pond and see that Eastern European countries that have stricter gun control laws have much lower rates of homicide than we do.” Actually it does. Those other countries dont have a constitutionally protected right to keep and own firearms. And while

Just like the auto manufactures have been sued into oblivion because their products were used kill people?

Its funny that your quote tries to imply that the very fact that you own a gun raises your suicide risk. If these things are causing people to commit suicide by their very presence then maybe we need to talk to the manufactures and find out what additive they’re using that leads people to become this mentally

“I noticed you didn’t link the 2013 CDC study you cited.” You’re right, I was lazy and just linked to an artical about it instead.