Your Local IT Guy

Its funny how the study was performed back in 2013 when Obama was president, yet when the CDC started presenting their findings the study was canned.

I’m sorry where did I say that? Also, I’ve taken several firearms classes and am huge proponent of them. Any other incorrect assumptions you wanna toss out there sparky?

I see.... So I can point out numerous instances and even a CDC study that shows firearms are a serious deterrent to crime and you response is this trope of “kids are dead because of your beliefs”.

I see, so I give you CDC studies and you give LA Times OPOINION artical about suicide. You got debunked on your original premiss so you’re pivioting to a different issue.

So if you go to the ER and I’m a doctor and don’t treat you and you die. Is that a failing of the medical system or me as a doctor?

Is it fear? Or is wanting to be responsible for their own safety rather than having to call someone and having to wait for help to come? I’m not afraid of people who dont look like me. Why should I be? And to state that all gun owners feel that way is tired and completely out of touch with reality.

How does a cop not wanting to go inside a situation for whatever reason invalidate the idea that a armed citizen already inside the event could not have helped or provided aid?

*good guy with gun does nothing*

Again, you’re equating length of time to quality. Would it be better if they took hours or days and still reviewed the same information?

Thats great, neither do I. Now when you want to have an adult conversation rather then childish one liners let me know.

You’re right, self defense isn’t an extreme agenda, show me where I said that it was and tell me why you appear to feel its ok to take that ability away from people?

The firearms industry is one of the most regulated in the world, and in this specific case if the FBI had not dropped the ball so spectacularly this would not have happened.

“ID cards work fine, and take less than a half hour to obtain. A background check takes less than 10 minutes.” You are again creating the false equivalency that because it takes less time for a background check its somehow less stringent than the ID process.

Fun fact, unless you have a government issued form of ID (most commonly a drivers licese) you cant by a firearm.

1000% agree!

I agree with your statement, but I also believe that we need to stop trying to pile more laws on top of ineffective or unenforceable laws. There’s absolutely no reason that in 2015 only something like 46 people were charged with the felony of committing a straw purchase (buy a gun for someone who cant with the intent

The second amendment is one of the most heavily regulated amendments. Have you tried to legally buy a machinegun over the internet and have it delivered to your house lately?

Exactly, you can make amendments too the constitution but you cant just disregard it because you feel its a health issue.

In what way does a public health issue over rule a constitutional right?

People are assholes. Welcome to the internet.