Your Local IT Guy

Yeah sure except that all he did was create a super sweet short barreled riffle that has been under tight control by the ATF since the 1930's. But you know....facts and stuff...

The problem is you cant conflate an issue like anti-smoking with a constitutional right like the second amendment.

Actually most of the people I know only had a problem with the fact that if someone made a claim against you there was no way for you to have due process before having your rights taken away. That was the only issue, but thats a huge problem. If that were to happen with any other right people would be outraged! Over

Actually you’re exactly right. This person, who’s parents, peers, teachers, and therapist thought was a danger to himself or others shouldn’t have been able to pass a background check.

So you go in a debate already looking to ban guns and wonder why we never get anywhere?

Repeal the Second Amendment and give it a shot (no pun intended). You cant, and you wont within the next 2-3 generations, therefor it actually is a non-starter.

If thats what you’re using to judge....

“No, we pay food stamps because people Only work at Walmart”

Actually, I think its funny that you guys dont see that paying people salaries for positions that were never meant to be anything more than entry level will not somehow cause economic strain is incredibly stupid.

You’re saying that companies like Walmart should pay their people more. I’m saying that if you pay people in low level positions more so they are closer inline with jobs that require higher training and responsibility you are going to have to raise their salaries too. That will cause salaries to go up for the large

Actually, only one of those had even the vaguest of equivalents.

Yes, and if you raise the salaries of everyone you’ve accomplished nothing. Because its not gonna stop at EMTs.

I 100% agree that hard work is not all that it takes, but its a large portion of what you need to be successful.

Ok, lets do a little math then. Lets take an EMT for example. The national average salary for an EMT is $30k a year. If you take your “living wage” concept and price that out at a conservative $10 (some groups are calling for more) an hour a full time wage would be just under $21k a year. Are you saying that a greeter

“Great! Good for you. Nobody’s taking that away from you; by that same token, paying others a living wage does not devalue your hard work by any means. Your hard work still existed and rewarded you accordingly.” - But that exactly what you’re doing. Take an EMT for example. The national average salary for an EMT is

“Listen, if you can’t afford to get malware, don’t use the internet!” - nothing says you have to have malware protection to use the internet.

“You and I pay taxes for food stamps for a segment of Walmart employees because they don’t earn enough.” No, we pay food stamps because people Only work at Walmart. If your job isn’t paying you enough to live then you need to ether find another job or find a job that can pay you a wage you can live off of.

Funny that you show a graph that pictures the decline of exactly what you’re talking about.

Absoluetly! That is 10000% accurate. I’ve had to change specialties twice in my career because IT moves at such a breakneck pace. But, if you have a decent idea of the big picture its not hard.

Why should there need to be another argument other than the one thats true?