Your Local IT Guy

As I’ve stated in multiple threads, that 30K number is a lie. again, the FBI stats say that in 2013 8,545 people were killed with firearms. Including suicides, police shootings and self defense.

If even a small portion of the estimated 310 million guns in the US were in the hands of irresponsible people this country would look like 1990's Somalia. Seeing as it doesn’t, and the violent crime rates as well as gun violence rates are on the decline, that would lead most people to believe your wrong.

You’ve implied that equation in many of your comments.

“Guns account for a bit over 169,000 deaths a year, or 460 per day.” I have no idea where you found that information because its completely inaccurate. The FBI crime stats from 2013 (the first ones I pulled up) state that 8,545 gun deaths. For the year. that works out to 28 a day. But stats also include things

Then I must be using mine wrong, cause none of mine have been used to kill. Come to think of it, of all the people I know who own guns, none of them have been used to kill ether.

Laws in place curtail exactly how a firearm is to be used, in much the same fashion as laws regarding how you can drive a car. you’re telling me that because someone breaks the law others have to have their rights restricted or curtailed? That’s the “unbearably stupid” argument. You dont take away everyone’s

I never said it was efficient, I only said it can be - and has been done 

for the same reason I’m not using a hammer to try and cut wood.

I’m not denying that the primary design purpose of a firearme is to kill. But that doesn’t mean its the only use, or even primary use for most people.

True, a firearm’s primary purpose is a weapon. there’s no denying that. but that doesn’t mean that they have to be used to kill. I own several firearms and none of them have killed anything, even an animal. I use them to target shoot at indoor and outdoor ranges. That, to me, is part of the sport/ recreation.

“I don’t think 7,200 people a year get stabbed or killed by blunt objects.” You’re correct, its far more. The FBI crime stats show it closer to 20,000 I believe.  


Its not “laughably” weak. Yes, firearms are primaraily designed as tools for killing. But when used legaly and correctly they are capable of much more.


If by “for which they are designed” you mean firing a projectile accurately and a determined rate of speed then yes.

Its my job to validate your simple yet misleading statement? sure.

“That seems pretty easy to obtain.” How so? What makes you think that?

Guns can be used for more than just killing people, and your statement of “A gun is a tool that when used correctly and for its intended purpose kills someone” is far from accurate. People regulary use them to put food on their table, to protect their loved ones from dangerous people or animals, and for sport and

I totally agree that accidental gun deaths are a huge concern and problem. I just take issue when people purposely try to lump them in with gun violence to bolster their argument. I think that negligence with a firearm that results in the death of a person (weather or not the firearm owner is present) should have

You mean like FBI crime stats that not only describe exactly what types of violent crime were counted, in contrast to England’s crime numbers that are purposely broken out into smaller categories to make it appear lower?