
I have been saying since before her reelection this is all a ploy to create an Evangelical-dominated parliamentary system as opposed to the presidential system. And just yesterday, a Senator aligned with the interim government suggested just that during a speech at the Senate. I must be psychic.

Not at all. This is more like, say, Ronald Reagan. She is accused of using half-baked numbers to make it look the like the government was within its budget when it wasn’t, something Reagan would totally understand (having tripled the national debt while claiming to be fiscally responsible). There’s a lot of corruption

I would say Clinton is a better comparison: an opposition legislature desperately wanted to find something the pres did wrong, and finally found some minor infraction to charge.

Many reports suggest even more corrupt pieces of shit piled on Dilma in an effort to distract from investigations into their own far more egregious behavior.

But the person who led the process against Dilma is an even bigger criminal, guilty of stealing $40 million in bribes. He won’t face impeachment though, because he represents business interests. Temer, who replaced Dilma, is accused of the same charges and more, and is supposed to face impeachment proceedings, but

Might be a better analogue to Bill Clinton - what he did was wrong but for it to rise to the level of impeachment was due more to opportunistic partisan fighting than an actual attempt at correction.