Sweet Jesus, I need to discuss my save file from the SNES game Ogre Battle.
As a long time player and modder of X-com (since 1997 now) this has been a tremendous read. Thank you so much.
Googling and then putting in the first result in your movie - while ignoring the context?
That sums up the Snyderverse pretty well.
I’m sure all the kids still in cages and journalists and BLM protestors charged with felonies (and some even still in jail) for exercising their first amendment rights feel great about not seeing Trump on the screen.
I’m sure it’s a great relief to them.
I cannot WAIT until the Dems get washed in 2022 and 2024 because they can’t keep the simplest of promises. They are completely worthless and every single leftist called what was going to happen.
So no, I have no patience for their pre compromising, martini lunches seeking stupidity. Nor do I have the patience for…
Holy shit. How fucking embarrassing for the producers.
Well, can’t be any worse than Troika’s run at it
Wow, what a sizzling pan of hot turds.
Everything about this is perfect.
I’d get out when fighting the Thresher Maws so I could get the last bullet on them and get that SWEET on-foot exp
See, I didn’t know that, that’s a great bit of info.
She voiced a great, arrogant bigot that got me to hate her. She did a great job.
Time to be confronted by MAGAshley, again.
Shepard: “How about you sit over there Ashley, read your space bible and keep your bigoted mouth shut until it’s time to play with the nuke.”
Even in my unmodded game, I loved parking my Mako on top of the Geth tanks and bouncing on them until they died.
Hmm, some white dude who likes pretending to be the antichrist and really relishing saying the N-Bomb on his albums?
Oh well, flush this turd into the prison please.
“Rational actors” indeed.
The market is full of bubbles and this is the most comical.
Adding to the commentary about how batteries are superior: I have a rotating pile of Amazon Basics and other high quality AA rechargeable batteries, just due to having kids and old synths.
So, being able to cycle in new batteries into a controller is miles more convenient than: finding I am out of juice and having to…
Obra Dinn is one of the most incredible gaming experiences I have ever seen.
I am looking forward to running a DCC funnel game in the future based on the story from it.
The Division 1's Survival mode really nailed the hellishness of an urban hike during a blizzard.
...This kinda smells like an ARG