For half a second, before I saw the ponytail, I thought that was the dude from Vanquish and was really excited that something else with him existed.
For half a second, before I saw the ponytail, I thought that was the dude from Vanquish and was really excited that something else with him existed.
Kinda sucks because if you add up all the months. I spent 200 dollars on SimCity Social. I STILL don't hate EA but letting companies decide when I am done playing a game is just plain dumb. What if next June they said we are taking SimCity 5 servers down, we hope you enjoyed your year. People would be pisssssssed (and…
The extended "red band" cut of the trailer for The Last of Us that aired earlier this week is the rare video game trailer that can convince TV viewers using only in-game footage. I mean, this looks like an ad for a new post-apocalyptic TV show...
Holy crap, he's like Droopy