
I thought Modern Warfare was shown as well? 

Whilst not a game, for me it’s Person of Interest, it is absolutely my favorite show with one of the best original score, amazing villains and characters... I don’t want to watch the last episode because I don’t want it to end :’( (I do know what will happen)

I tried shooting briefly in Metal Gear Solid 5, and whenever I did, the enemy didn't die immediately, and instead went into an injured phase. I loved that. 

I am so so happy that I will finally get to play a Luigi’s Mansion, never really had a Nintendo DS handheld, but have recently gotten Nintendo Switch so will be finally able to play this. Always wanted to, cause I love games that are a mix of spookiness and charm! :)

Thats a good price. It was really cool, I really enjoyed how exciting even the story was, with some great action !

“But again, traditional story telling has definitely not taken a back seat.”

I just want games like Ubisoft used to make them, rather than what they are doing now.

Say what you want I will stick with my point that Ubi doesn’t make the story based games how they used to (stuff like Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good and Evil, etc...) and I will associate that with the live service way

Now playing


When Kobin sees you again, and remembers what you did to him in Conviction, it was awesome!

Then as you extract him, and this music starts playing:

I don’t want overly open ended narrative branches, give me a classic Splinter Cell story with a few choices thrown in (storywise). I agree Odyssey is great, but it’s not what I want in terms of Splinter cell personally.

Watch Dogs 2 story was so lame, it was anti-climactic and wasn’t exciting at all. Heck, I liked the

It irks me that ubisoft is probably not making splinter cell because they’ve not found a way to shoehorn live services in with a “play your way narratively” so they don’t have to do much work and write actual characters.

This reminds me of the resident evil remaster randomiser I was watching, end game enemies and rooms were randomly popping in early on. 

Oh so out of interest does the gender for the other person in the dlc change based on who you're playing as if they're doing the whole bloodlines thing? 

Extremely stoked for Ace Combat! Been waiting a while, I barely play mp and am that guy who moans everytime a single player game with live service or multiplayer focused games are announced, but I can't wait to jump into ace combat's mp. 

ooh good shout! 

You were definitely awesome, I am sure you will excel at anything you set your mind to do. All the very best! :)

As soon as I saw no silent Hill, which is one of the essential games from the era, I knew it would not be worth it 

Now playing

“Heists and spies and hitmen stuff in a more or less grounded contemporary setting is what does it for me. Not so much fantasy or sci-fi.”

So much this!

I wish we got more action spy-thrillers, or heck more action games with crime settings that weren’t fantasy or too sci-fi. Just jawdropping blockbuster action with grounded storylines. (Sleeping Dogs, and what not!)

You could easily mistake this being from a film, this is so fantastic.