Playing on PC or console?
Playing on PC or console?
Also please... please please please don't underestimate the motherlovin badgers... the small ones are the ones you need to be real careful of. Also Eagles, those guys really take your health! -.-
"I accidentally brushed against the touchpad countless times when using the controller in the completely normal way that I would when playing any shooter, which meant that my vision of the game kept getting interrupted by the weapons menu. Save yourself some trouble and turn the darn thing off in the control options…
ALEXA!!! My dad is dying, call the ambulance!
Alexa: No
Alexa, stop playing around... please contact the ambulance.
Alexa :Negative
Fine I will go do it mysef (Goes to pick up the phone, but Alexa makes this horrible high pitched noise and the phone is no longer working)
Alexa: Suffering is only temporary now...
Wow, that is rather impressive. Would love to see Frostbite's mobile capabilities!
Guess I'm the only guy who actually liked Aidan.
WOO! congrats buddy! wish you guys all the very best!
Wow, some of those just sound so refreshing! Wish UK had some of these in Manchester.
I barely watch anime, but love some like Death Note, Hitman Reborn and especially Monster.
Differece title typo? :P
I am waiting for Halloween to play, still in seal. Took out the outer seal though, so I could get the awesome notebook. HALLOWEEN COME ALREADY!!!
I got the limited edition one, and god was it packed so nicely. I am waiting till Halloween to play this though. Forcing myself to finish the backlog... yet I keep replaying Warfighter... I love warfighter.
Far Cry like open world cop game where the nemesis system represents the underworld! MAKE THAT HAPPEN SOMEONE! MAKE IT AS EXCITING AS SLEEPING DOGS TOO!!! :D
I used to be really excited every week to tune into Sunday comics. That was mainly because of brawl in the family, now that it is gone, I am already noticing a void... :'(
Coincidentally, I just finished Blacklist finally yesterday. Freaking loved how tense the story was. The rebooting the plane scenario... so cool! :D
The voice sounds horrible.... O.o
It is genuinely cool to meet people from different cool professions here... HI! (waves creepily)
Come on seriously? You guys need to play more games with all major buttons assigned to one action/interaction button.
I was panicking so hard during that level... O.O
Most intense experience ever. The Groom is the scariest psychopath by far in my opinion. Good god!