
You realize your tiny Model 3 weighs almost as much a my ICE Pacifica minivan?

But sure, keep trying to claim it’s not overweight....

Any of them.

Those trucks already pay more for that damage by way of fuel tax.

Oh, you mean drivers will have to help pay for the roads their overweight EV is destroying?
Seems perfectly reasonable as everyone driving ICEs pays for roads via gas tax.

Let’s be real here, if $200/year breaks you from driving an EV, you couldn’t afford it anyway.

Now playing

The factory actually IS claimed to be a cold air intake as it is sealed from engine bar air and pulls from the grille area only.


I guess at that point the question becomes what makes it a cold air intake?

I’ve came across many “modded” vehicles over the years that were done so to make them perform better and make them more reliable.

Or they’ll just continue making drivers dumber, less attentive, and more distracted leading to no reduction in crashes while adding to even worse driving than we already have.

Seems an easy answer:

If manufacturers would make the “right car”, I wouldn’t have to modify it to make it what I want.

Cold air intakes ONLY intake cold air.

Unless said car was designed before ethanol fuels and said premium is ethanol free.

  • Confederate, MAGA, Punisher, Thin Blue Line anything

Hit or miss.

Question is how much?

Reduces lift off oversteer.

Highway family cruiser vs small sporty car..... I wonder why it felt different...

I mean, modern vehicles are the same way. Massive exterior dimensions with terrible interior space for their size.

Neons are still running around here in the rust belt.