
Like special dog, whilst moving.

Ok I actually now have a serious problem relating to this. We just found out one of fiancé's groomsmen has had sex with the girl our best friend has been dating for several months...on two separate occasions. Although the relationship wasn't exclusive, groomsman and our best friend were also very close friends and he

If that food poisoning one is actually true, then that's awful. Her and the bride had a problem, and a bunch of wedding guests had to suffer because of that? Yikes.

uh, most white people don't think Arabs are white people...

"This is about the obliteration of legacy."


I think she's doing it on purpose, yeah. Letters of Note has two letters she wrote when she was younger, one that she sent to a director in 1979 and one to a friend from 1991. They aren't poet laureate material or perfect in every way, but she can definitely use conventional grammar when she wants to.

Is it possible she does this on ourpose to seem more relatable to the kids?

Now playing

My friend and I worked in the photo department of a Genovese Pharmacy. We had a terrible manager so we started coming up with ideas of how we would quit. She went with a singing telegram dressed like a gorilla with a bow in her hair. The lyrics were brilliant:

I worked at a fairly large cadillac dealership in the service department. The service department consisted of a very long building with service stalls on both sides and the dispatch office (where I worked) was right in the middle. I was one of the very few females employed in this department. It was a fun job but

Can't be her, Doug is not a lawyer. I don't know if you know this but courtneyz's husband is a lawyer and she drives a BMW but how could you know that when she refused to put it in her last two comments???

He chose a smart chick! This is a coup for all of us smart chicks.

This comment is a thing of beauty. Not only do you shame someone for acting badly in a thread about "What was the worst thing you've ever done at a New Years party?" where the acting badly = stealing a bottle of off-brand juice with no other bad outcome, but you manage to shade the former Corcoran, obviously dredging

You seem fun.

Somebody better make me some fucking mock turtle soup NOW!

I will be playing this on repeat at my party so nobody feels like they actually need to stay until midnight. Everybody gets a countdown.

Or you could just live the life you want to live and do the things you want to do. Some people will have problems with it, some won't.


After awhile everything would just smell like ass, though.