
OMG! Just yesterday I found myself thinking that you all should do a "where are they now" piece on the first girl who dared to wear that swimsuit thing that basically looked like a strategically wrapped scarf for their wet t-shirt contest. You know the one I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure the first one had an

MRAs and trolls to the left.

I never generalized to all of Austin. I very specifically said it was my university and the two schools I've taught in.

Look, I don't get why anyone is still harping on about this. I asked what I believed to be a reasonable question at the time, based on the regional experiences of where I live. Plenty of commenters didn't mind doing the "work" it took to explain what needed explaining. A couple of posts and one reference link later, I

I don't think you understand that I already figured it out, thanks to some patient commenters who were willing to share some useful insights.

lol. I love how you ask me for personal information at the same time that you insult me.

I have no idea what you're talking about. It's like you haven't read a thing I've said.

That's very true. It's also one of the reasons why apologies were invented. But if somebody can't see or accept that the person at fault is regretful, that foot is going to be hurting a lot longer than it should.

1. I'm not white and you don't know what experiences I've had or haven't had as a result. Stop presuming to know me.

you made an unkind snap judgement on who I was as a person based on a snippet d something I was trying to figure out. That's a "fuck you" in anybody's book. Even so, I was generous enough to let you know how it turned out because I though you'd like to know that some people really do mean it when they say they want to

No. A lot of my comments showing the beginnings of my understandings happened yesterday. Your comment, however, didn't pop up until this morning. I blame Kinja for the misunderstanding.

ok you know what? All my question did was bring out a lot of racist folks with very racist comments. Even if nobody had taken the time to explain things to me yesterday, that's evidence enough for me that I was wrong.

Well as another commenter pointed out, there's tons if other types of foods in the African American tradition that came from different regions. It's something worth looking into for sure. And not liking fried foods doesn't make you racist. Assuming that's all there is would though.

I definitely understand where you're coming from, and have known this to be the case in America. Logically, it should be the same in my home country for many of the same reasons you cited above, and yet it's not quite. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that segregation by race didn't really happen beyond

Actually, if you bothered to read the rest of my comments on this page you would see that I did, in fact, come to an understanding about why this was a problem. It took some better explainers than TreacherKaye to do it of course, but I'm grateful for their insights.

I guess fried chicken is a southern thing but not a Black contribution. Someone else told me it was actually Irish. But honestly I don't know anything in this country that didn't originally come from somewhere else. So.

This is very well said and I think it gets at something I've been trying to figure out for a long time. It seems a lot of these mistakes are so innocuous or live in such a grey area that it's strange to see everyone get so riled up about them. But the truth is that they're probably not as minor a thing as it seems to

I think it's what was intended, but the consensus I'm getting is that it was not so well thought out? From what I can figure now, after thinking about this way too much, is that if an Africsn Americsn organization had been involved in the decision making and if other soul foods not fraught with racist connotation had

I guess because I don't remember them doing so. I didn't think the two were so different when I made the analogy. I'm still not entirely convinced that they are, but I am starting to understand from some other commenters what the issue with the chicken is. Kind of.

I don't lack self awareness, but I do lack malice. Clearly not your weakness though.