Oh my god, my cousin is a beautiful, smart, successful Manhattanite and the stories she would tell me...I was like, but you’re a catch!!! How can it be that HORRIBLE out there?!
Oh my god, my cousin is a beautiful, smart, successful Manhattanite and the stories she would tell me...I was like, but you’re a catch!!! How can it be that HORRIBLE out there?!
Married for 11 years, with my now husband for 19 years (I’m 34—and no I don’t live in Arkansas and yes, it was bizarro to my family/friends too, to have stayed together from 8th grade till now—but bizarre in a good/surprising way?)—is it always smooth sailing? Fuck no. Some one’s hangry, tired, posting on Jezebel when…
Yep, I had to buy them from Nordstrom and they were not cheap! I feel like I was taken for a ride by the Trumps allll over again...
Same! Just asking my husband about this—pair of pumps that were the mandated bridesmaid shoes...but I like them? FUCK ME, I hate these superficial impulses...
No shade commentary, but I REALLY, TRULY, 100% hope that Hillary is living her best life: Long walks with beautiful scenery; delicious, leisurely dinners with friends; watching some tv with feet up: cuddled up by the fire with a good book...All of life’s pleasures, I hope for Hills.
Please for the love of Dog let Rosie play him...please...
But I don’t care if I have to wait until 2072, I WILL watch Toomey go down for this bullshit.
This is one of the positives from the recent political fall out: I feel like like-minded citizens have made better connections to each other--and to business/organizations that champion their ideals. From local shops that have made pro-immigration statements, to the local coffee shop promising proceedes from Saturday…
Absolutely. And to admit that publicly, is no small feat. I have my own shudder-inducing close calls...but, just, {shudder} I hate to cast aspersions when....
I agree—we’re supposed to learn from mistakes! But how many parents are lucky enough to get a re-do when they make theirs— “eesh, probably not a great idea, no more of that!”—when some unfortunately become the “poster parents” for not-so-wise choices.
I absolutely agree. My point is, We’re doing our best—not objectively THE BEST, ALL THE TIME. Live and learn...but tragically, we don’t get re-dos when we’d like them most.
I agree not exactly comparable—but people WERE quick to point out that gators are common in the area and there was signage around (but not immediately at) the site...my point is, we make judgement calls ALL THE TIME—whether it be “I used to do x” or “my kid is responsible/mature enough to handle x” or “just this once,…
Jamie Lynn Spear’s ordeal is my WORST nightmare as a parent. The “watching your child in mortal peril but not being able to fix it” variety. I know we’re so quick to say “but she shouldn’t have allowed...” but honestly at the end of the day, peoplec said that shit about the poor parents who watched an alligator snatch…
Pre-November 2016, I would have been optimistic that the unequivocal NO our democratic *and* republican citizenry has voiced in response to DeVos’s nomination, AND politicians’ vows to do everything in their power to stop her, would actually DO something...
I was wondering about this...I’m a stay-at-home-mom—does this mean my kids can make their own damn food and I don’t have to vacuum/change any diapers/load&unload the fucking dishwasher in a never-ending cycle...
Thank you for the great insight!
Ok can some one who’s a little more knowledgeable about the subject than I am answer a question for me: with all the legal challenges *already* posed against the ban, and the many more certainly to follow if it’s reinstated, is there any chance Trumplethinskin’s EO stands? Like, in a continuously enforceable way? I SO…
The infer/imply mix up really baffles (and honestly, because I’ve been cranky lately, irritates the fuq outta) me—their meanings are pretty distinct?! They don’t sound all that similar? I remember learning in high school that those two are commonly misused, and I was like, “nahhh, that can’t be true...”. Well in the…