You're Living All Over Me

I have always found it fascinating the way they decided at the age of like 17 that from then on, they wanted to look like 80 year old women wrapped in several blankets. Just, a fascinating decision. And the commitment to that aesthetic, I admire it.

They inhabited this earth before time began and will haunt it still long after time is forgotten.

Jesus these girls look bizarre.. and not in the “girls look different without makeup” way, but in the “they look like they’re on heroin” way.

You realize the reason she planned and stabbed her was because Slenderman told her to, right? If you don’t think that’s related to her schizophrenia then I’m not sure you understand mental illness.

Before you open your mouth you might want to know a thing or two about what you’re talking about.

The fact that you refer to them as monsters means that you have made this an emotional issue, not a rational one. We know a fair bit about brain development, though you don’t seem to be aware of this, and your proclamation

Give me a break. The one girl has early onset schizophrenia. To say that having a mental illness means she has no humanity is stating that a large percentage of the population is inhumane. She needs to be treated, not punished. You have no idea how the second girl was raised. She could have grown up in an extremely

Hilarious to put “children” in quotes as if there is any dispute that a 12 or 13 year old is a child. Get a grip. No one is saying that they didn't do something wrong, but children are held to different standards for very good scientific reasons.

bitch please

“you can’t rehabilitate a monster”

Do the little marks around children (‘children’) make them not children? No matter how heinous their crime, they aren’t adults and should not be tried as adults. I’m not sure what the solution is, but that ain’t it.

You seem to forget that 13 year old children do not have a developed prefrontal cortex, which helps to deal with aggression, planning, and abstract judgement, among other things. This is just one reason why this is complete bullshit.

EXACTLY. There’s a reason we don’t say that 13 year olds can consent to sex with adults.

This is not okay. It illustrates just how little our judicial system gives a fuck about rehabilitation when they are willing to do this to fucking children.

I spent years working in the juvenile justice system. Anyone who thinks that a 13 year old has the same judgment therefore should be tried in the adult court knows very little about current research. Having kids tried as an adult is a political move by people who want to look tough on crime, not a move based on any

Police are #1 with a bullet

never fucking trust a 19 year old girl who still listens to fall out boy

Carve the Kardashians into a mountainside. When people come to take selfies, collect their souls and feed them to Illuminati. Whisper a prayer in cocaine.

Damn I was really pulling for Wylde

Man, I just do it because I like the way it looks. My husband doesn’t care either way (and honestly , either do I). I will say that sex (both oral and regular) actually feels better afterwards for me. I’m with Cat on this supportive of women whatever their choices. It doesn’t need to be an either/or argument.