You're Burned

“Why can I suddenly not upload my 4 hour documentary about PizzaGate? THIS MUST BE THE WORK OF ZIONISTS”

“Taste my bolls!”

I’m not especially pro or anti netting but let’s keep in mind that baseball has existed for a very long time and it’s not like, prior to netting, the hospitals were just packed with dead baseball fans. I’d wager that more fans have gotten seriously hurt falling out of upper decks than from getting hit by foul balls.

Yep, I’ve had it since I was 15

Fuck off with your “slippery slope” bullshit.

That and I’ve seen some remarkably upkept ones and talked with their owners (I’m talking full stock, showroom condition).

That’s nothing to be proud of, Russ.

I ran across a shop called “Axis Motors” that specializes in German, Japanese, and Italian car repair.

We got this close-up of Trump doing his best to act French:

I’m pretty sure the REAL reason is so you don’t show up on the mini map when firing!

I love mountain hikes, I like doing some light climbs. But those are as far as my fear of heights will let me go. Just enough that I can see height, but always with plenty of safeguards so that I know I won’t die.

Wizards Fan: “Why do you hang your sheets in the rafters?”

Now playing

i never wanted you to be a truckers wife...

He wasn’t puking, Billy.

It’s a good thing I’m not a member of this team. I’d be the guy furiously shaking this component, singing “ROCK the crash box, ROCK the crash box”.