I don’t want kids. I want a car that’s reliable and fun. Those exist, and they’re not Kia Spectras.
I don’t want kids. I want a car that’s reliable and fun. Those exist, and they’re not Kia Spectras.
So have I! Kill it with fire!
My god, have I stepped into an alternate dimension where Tavarish is no longer shilling for BMW? I wonder what else is different. Did the Nazis win WW2? Did we elect Hillary instead of that black guy?
Yeah, how dare they be outraged, how dare they react accordingly to a rigged primary? I’m noticing a suspicious trend of people who don’t care for a democracy being legitimate or you know integrity and authenticity, are also dumb women.
Appreciate your level of troll, it’s not quite Over 9000 and you certainly are not star worthy what with being a disingenuous asshat but still will openly reply despite you’re wrong, laughably so, applaud the effort.
Why are we still getting hung up on “Beta”? Christ, maybe Elon dug himself a hole with the “autopilot” and “beta” terminology but they don’t actually mean what everyone here seems to think they mean. It’s a fully sussed out road ready stage two cruise control with lane keeping system with a few extra bells and…
Jalopnik is milking this Tesla thing like Gawker is milking Trump...
Tesla has had over 100 million miles of user feedback using autopilot, of the most useful form—detailed telemetric reports of performance. What they don’t want is someone violating the terms of agreement and then trying to get a free replacement car after a wreck by extorting the company, which is likely the case here.
So still user error then.
Look, there’s zero sponsorship, other than they loaned me the car. In person, I think it looks pretty good. Maybe I’m too taken with overall happiness and the lovely summer weather, but I actually enjoyed the car, for what it is. That’s it. It happens sometimes.
fine. lets say youre right, and Islam is truly the religion of peace.
Terrorists. Radicalized Muslims. Muslims who insist on spreading their religion through violence. Call them what you want to.
Yeah, and we wouldn’t have our country too without your help during World War II.
As if Obama’s got the balls to do anything...
You’re welcome. Some of us remember that we wouldn’t have a country without the help that your country gave us during our war of independence.
Preach! Nothing is going to happen until our men start acting like men.
Thank you very much for that message ! I am French and I appreciate it very much. France is also with you during hard moments in the USA !
We need to start getting tough with these people.
That’s ‘beetus. ‘Beetus is making America great again.