
Dawww you mad? We’re not all neckbeards or legbeards like yourself regardless of what you try to desperately to believe. It would probably irk you so bad to know how succesful I am in life and to still dislike crybaby ass bitches like yourself, and go out of my way to make sure you know how fucking ignorant you are.

Don’t get triggered pussy.


Hahahahaha, good, I’d rather them they read it in an intellectual voice than some yankee can’t understand if you tried dick in the mouth accent.

hahahahahahaah oh wow, you know you’ve literally got nothing worthwhile when you have to attack a spelling or grammar mistake. Jesus what a sad sack individual.

Wow, typical liberal faggot using nothing but buzzwords they learned last month to pop off.

lolwut? Did your feefees get hurt. Stick that safety pin in your eye bitch.

Hahahahahhaha you must try to not project your shortcomings onto others when you want to talk shit. What a fucking joke.

Holy shit your safety pen picture is more than enough to say everything possible about you. What a faggot cunt.

You’re the trigglypuff fat faggot pieces of shit snowflakes here.

Bet you think you’re smart as fuck for this dumbass response.

Kick rocks you faggot mother fucker. How does it feel to know you’re a blight on your family and you drag them down to your level every time you see them?

I thnk you mispelt BLM.

Go pay reparations to some coon then because of the way you feel.

Fuck your white guilt you retarded mother fucker.

Wow, you’re so fucking cool. How do I learn how to get as edgy as you?

I loathe to feel how much mental anguish you must’ve felt growing up hearing the word faggot in every sentence. How do you make it through life being such a little fucking crybaby ass bitch?

Must be nice to not fulltime jobs lmmfao.

Hahahaha this is so fucking hilarious. Damn it the crying and mewing you sad sack fucks are doing has made his Presidency all the more worthwhile.

Good lord you’re a whiny fucking fear mongering faggot.