
Good, we’ve already got enough women in leading rolls, about time it gets back to the men.

Lol, I don’t give a flying fuck what the kinja commenters have to say, there is a reason that they only post here in their little safe space and not somewhere like reddit where they’ll get blasted for being such little whiny bitches.

If you’re in your mid to late 20s I loathe to think of the mental anguish you must have felt growing up hearing the word faggot in every other sentence.

Apparently you can’t fucking read either, color me surprised.

Because shes a fucking cunt who does nothing but comment on Kinja sites and think she knows everything. Shes fucking triggered about a movie bringing light to mental illness lmmfao.

Annnnnd of course you have to get butthurt about something. Why am I not surprised?

Women aren’t allowed to write about “sports” thats actually about politics. Shut the fuck up and let men do the writing dear, you’re only playing to the stereotype the same way I am, tell me how it feels.

Fuck you’re a racist piece of shit aren’t you. You know you’re white, right?

Shut the fuck up you whiny faggot mother fucker. I’ll bet your dumbass didn’t even bother to vote since Hill dog was such a shoe in.

Color me surprised, someone on io9 fucking crying about white hollywood. At this point I’m glad they view whites as the most important color just because of how much you fucking cry.

Hahahah what? There is no fucking way you really believe that? Your self-grandeur visions are fucking pathetically stupid. No man gives a fuck if you’re fat and are happy with it. Either way you still look stupid as fuck.

Holy fuck yall are so god damn pathetic.

Hahahah you’re projecting you piece of shit faggot. Do your family a favor and off yourself before the holidays, they all know you’ll only drag them down.

hahahahahah kill yourself then.

Do the world a favor and cut yourself with that edge next time.


Thats what yall do with gun owners and trump voters lmmfao. You seriously can’t be that blind, can you?

Thankfully shes being 100% serious, now we all know just how fucking retarded she is.

Are you being serious right now? This absolutely makes yall look even more fucking retarded than normal. Congratulations, you’re willingly playing yourselves by allowing this shit.

Tumblr is the safe space for this fucking pussy ass bullshit. There wouldn’t even be anybody making fun of her there at least. This fucking cunt is something else. I refuse to believe shes a real person who thinks like this.