Mr. Know It All

The problen is, yes, they are saying we are all this bad. They have been from the start. Thats what caused gamergate.

What you're experiencing is often referred to as a "Heteronormative" outlook. This is "denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation". The idea that heterosexuality, even though it is far more common than homo or bisexuality is more "normal" than other

There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close

Good question, Jean-Paul Sarte.

Well the NCAA did say he will go pro in something other than sports.