Cow udders whatever I’m from the coast
I don’t know what you’ve been yanking on, buddy, but horses don’t have udders.
This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.
I don’t want to be the one, but I’m gonna be the one. We tend to believe male rape victims for a combination of two factors: The first being internalized homophobia because the act is so “unnatural”, and the second being internalized sexism.
As far as curses go, that’s a pretty work-appropriate one.
Mel might deserve redemption in the realm you’re talking about: the personal realm. My addict relatives also say horrendous ranting things when they’re loaded. But I would venture that Mel doesn’t deserve redemption in the realm of fame and celebrity because no one DESERVES fame and celebrity and its attending…
mel, i’ve had a couple nervous breakdowns. even was hospitalized for one.
I love Pat McGrath’s lipsticks, but wish they would do away with the bag of glitter it comes in.
I have my dead boyfriend’s dead father’s ashes in my attic and I too am stuck on what is the proper move
Send them to your favorite gop politician on their birthday.
I have my dead boyfriend’s dead father’s ashes in my attic and I too am stuck on what is the proper move with respect to Dead Ed, who I actually never met, yet here we are.
Send them to your favourite gop politician on their birthday.
The only approved use of glitter should be using it as packing material for sex toys and sending them to Family Values/Religious Nutter GOP politicians.
Democrats get fired for being abusive perverts.
Women dying is a feature, not a bug.
Men: The Rational Gender(tm). We’ll risk touching your boobs without express permission after a couple beers, but not when it might save your lives.
Insert Grumpy Cat “GOOD” gif.
Is anyone that surprised. They had a lyric about wanting to get into a car accident so an ex would go through the windshield. Emo bands had some of the worse lyrics about female mutilation, but rap is thought to be the worse thing ever.