Liam Wall

How are the Imperium bad guys compared to the Chaos or the Orks or especially the Tyranids? When did GW EVER say that the imperium were bad guys? Corrupt, sure, but almost ALL of the heroes of the universe are aligned with the Imperium. Seems like a stretch to say that GW made it clear that Imperium were fascist bad

Why is this being shared to Kotaku? I struggle to see how this relates to videogame, general gaming, otaku, or entertainment culture. Do I really have to be bombarded with more politics during the recreational time I have to explore hobbies and interests? I understand that sharing this to Kotaku may not have been your

They did the Pacific Theater in World At War

It only works if you’re in proximity to the microphone in his house though, so while you could open the door, you wouldn’t have his number anywhere else but right by the door

Mike Fahey, my dude..