
Prince Philip had a coronary artery blockage at age 90 (in 2011) and has been in the hospital for infections and other issues related to a pre-existing condition (coronary artery disease most likely) 8 times over 10 years - that was an actual headline back in February. And in Feb it was, yet again, his heart that was

Actually it is. It’s a demonstration of just how environment, mental health and other factors are considered and for whom. White men have excuses made for them while PoC are just condemned as bad. It’s racist, it’s bullshit and I’m not interested in hearing (reading) your excuses for why you’re making the same


The dude wasn't going to get better at any point. That month-long stay for an infection was a sign his body wasn't really at its peak anymore. The interview was taped before he went to hospital, and I didn't hear anyone saying it was cruel or ill-timed when he was running people off the road while his courtiers were

Notice how he rushed right here to ‘catch’ if the writers were gonna be empathetic on this? That’s how you know that white men know their shit is singularly racist. They really scrounge looking for any excuse to scream,”See, EVERYbody is racist so please stop making me think badly about myself and my people!”

My sister has done a tremendous amount of physical and emotional damage because of her actions. What I discuss here is only a fraction of it.

Financial aspects for example, and the family situation as well, then you have her health.

With letters like this, I wonder if the LW is looking for other people to voice the things she’s scared to admit to herself. She knows he’s a controlling asshole, she just needs to hear it from other people. I hope she drops his ass and starts living her best life. 

Yeah, that’s what kills me. This isn’t just “ugh, I wish she’d lose weight” (also shitty!). This is your husband deciding YOUR SISTER ISN’T A FIT CARETAKER and to me, that’s absolutely fucking shocking. That’s so, so sad and awful to see. I’m always fascinated by what it is about people like this that’s so great

Why are you trying to focus on hypothetical extenuating circumstances that (for all you know) might not be relevant at all? If there were financial factors that would preclude her sister from caring for their child, don’t you think the LW would have mentioned those very salient details?

Heh I’d never leave my kid with my skinny sister.

My dad is fat-phobic and I can say that his treatment of me as a young person significantly destroyed my self-esteem and lead to years of sorrow and mental agony. I will never forgive him for the way he treated me and he is 95 years old. If I were this women - I would divorce her husband because his hatred of fat

I often find fat shamers are men who can shovel whatever they want in their faces and somehow not gain weight (tall skinny folk for example)

As a fat gay man, I often daydream about if a genie were to grant me a wish, one would be that all mean fat-shamers, through the nuances experienced by all fat people through financial, metabolic, and other fat-causing reasons, to become fat and have to dig themselves out of it like me and other fat people.

I wonder: what will happen to your husband’s self worth and world view if he’s in an accident or becomes ill, and permanently gains weight?

One of my friends from college had an eating disorder. She told me one day, very matter-of-factly, that her father would call her fat/make comments about her weight.

Most of the time, parents need to approach differing opinions as a meeting of valid ideas to hash out an agreement. This is not one of those times. The writer’s husband is an asshole. There’s no middle ground here. It’s one thing to encourage your kid to live a healthy and active life. Teaching her that being

He just sounds so mean. Like really? You wouldn’t leave your kid in her care, just because she’s fat?? I fucking hate people like this. They can’t see beyond people’s weight.

A man once told me that he would divorce me if I got fat. I am no longer with that man.

Yes. Yes, yes, and yes some more. And that she KNOWS this is why he has an issue with her sister means it’s been discussed — a LOT. So I wonder how her husband treats her, and how that affects the way she sees her own body. What she’s clearly saying is that her husband wouldn’t love her if she gained weight. I wonder