
And Xander is creepy af and judgment and entitled.

This right here. No doubt Timberlake should have spoken up in her defense but honestly I think her career would still have suffered a lot because of Les Moonves and CBS.

His disrespect of women is well-documented. I wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole.

Justin is just one of many examples of whites artists who used black folk to transition to a solo career or from a child star. One minute they are hanging out with blacks like they are the best of friends, but the minute their scheme works, you don’t see them any where near a black person. Justin Bieber is the latest

“...And then when I think about all the black artists that continued to prop him up, yes Pharrell, Timbaland, Jay-Z, as if they didn’t all have Janet’s poster on their walls before they made it.”

Exactly. And while I feel bad for Britney, the impact of Justin’s actions on the two women can’t be compared. Justin fed into an existing problematic double standard that was used to bully Britney. No doubt terrible. But the alleged cheating did not stop her, in fact if I recall correctly, it fed into the ramping up

Mr. Appropriation Justin Timberlake, take your apology, fold it five ways and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine before you put on your coat and tie.

Justin, take your country-fried, appropriating, smarmy, flat ass, and have an entire Super Bowl’s worth of seats.

I stopped fucking with him after the janet jackson fiasco.  That pissed me off, but I didn't hate him. I figured he was young, stupid and panicked.  When he started talking shit to Prince.  I then began to hate him. I mean who talks shit to prince. He literally has fucked over 2 icons that's literally music royalty

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

I appreciate that you are willing to reconsider your first impression, and as Joan said, think about what could have changed it. And also, if you change your direction and believe Fisher now, think about the similarities. If Charisma had made this statement one year ago, would you have believed her? Or a better

He considers himself a right-wing libertarian (code, in my experience, for “entitled, self-absorbed asshole”).

A good contrast to Cordelia is Xander. I could barely tolerate him for most of the series and would happily have seen him killed off at the end of season 3. Joss loved him, though, and kept him around long after his sell-by date. Xander is Joss’ avatar.

I just think its strange that people are immediately distrustful of the black actor who speaks up and only feels there is something to be believed when a white woman shares her own story about the same person.

And there’s nothing like trying to describe a toxic work environment to make a person sound “unhinged.” It’s a miasma, infiltrating everything until everyone associated with the environment thinks it’s normal and any attempts to say otherwise sound nuts.

I had a boss when I was first starting my career that was like this. She would do so many things to sabotage me but when I would speak up or try to draw attention to it I just came off as “negative” and someone who was rocking the boat. Like Fisher, when I would file complaints or take it up the chain, I couldn’t

For me, the worst part was when she felt guilty about Ray being fired because she still felt that if she’d said something, things might have been different, despite overwhelming evidence that nothing of the kind would have happened. 

Fisher was also probably subject to far more aggressive NDA language about what he could and couldn’t say about his time on Justice League. The lack of details was probably due to fear of saying anything specific enough for WB and DC to take action against him. Carpenter’s specifics are much more personal and arguably

I would add that I come across most unhinged when I’m being subject to abusive and bizarre treatment. It makes you feel insane and you act as such.

I agree! That season sucked and I had really enjoyed it up to then. The decision to have Cordelia and Connor get together was gross.