
I liked when those helium balloons carried Webster away.

Hark! The land bids me tread no more upon't;
It is ashamed to bear me. Friends, come hither.
I am so lated in the world that I

You haven't read Christopher Marlowe's autobiography entitled Marlowe Unfiltered.

Oh shit, "Dharma Bums" is a thing. What fucking song mentions "Dharma Bums" in its lyrics?

It was Steinbeck's "The Red Pony", so I'm guessing Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath are far less boring.

Doo. Or doo not. That was the question. The answer was Febreze.

"Grab her by thine cunny!"

I was also stoked in high school to read "On The Road" and that was some circle jerking nonsense.

I hated Steinbeck.

Ryder Strong?


Yeah, I avoided it, but not actively.

6.2% alcohol by volume

Some people refer to it by Henry VI, but I know it as Henry Balboa.

His cousin Nick is my company's computer guy.

After being stung by 300 bees.

R.I.P. Brittany Murphy

They generally hit the older movies out of the park (Tango & Cash, Nothing But Trouble, The Golden Child).

"All She Wants To Do Is Dance"