I'm so excited! And yet, I am so scared.
I'm so excited! And yet, I am so scared.
She is a very pretty lady but I bet if she put glasses on she would be a disgusting ugly duckling that no one would ever love :)
Did somebody say “dry?”
Given what we know about Shapiro, that he is unfamiliar with a woman being wet is not a surprise to me.
How’s the surprising? Have you seen or heard Ben Shaprio?
God dammit, Nappa.
I am between the law. It’s great. No one notices me.
From mega group DC Talk’s seminal album, “Free at Last”:
The other night I met a girl and she looked to be so nice
I asked her for her digits and she didn’t think twice
A couple days later, I called her up and asked her out
She said “with you?”, I said “with me”, and she said “without a doubt”
I took her to the garden…
To paraphrase;
Riverbottom Nightmare Band or GTFO
Chinese Democracy was the name of a Guns ‘N’ Roses album. It was not very good. So this was sort of a middle to deep cut reference, not a commentary on what actual Chinese democracy in action might look like.
bong :(
Fox News is pro-Israel not because of any love of Jews, but to pander to right-wing Evangelicals who think that Jewish control of Israel is directly linked to the second coming of Jesus.
I knew The Taco Bell Bell. I upvoted the Taco Bell Bell. You, sir, are no Taco Bell Bell.
I saw the first Hobbit movie in HFR or whatever it was called, and while the dark scenes looked pretty great, all the battle scenes looked like they had been shot by your dad with a Betamax camera in the backyard. You know how they sometimes use rubber weapons in big battle scenes? Yeah, you could tell they were…
Welp, like expected, Alan has inevitably taken over the internet.
“I was in one of those movies, you know. The best one.”
Every Canadian recognizes these birds for the vicious little shitmonsters they really are.