Young Rutiger

The deal actually fell through without Jim. It was over a decade before Disney bought the license.

My soul prefers chili.

She had the courage to speak for women when the woman was her.

I actually like it. I only eat threeways a few times a year, but I perfectly fine with it.

What's even funnier. He was apparently selected to room with his roommate who was a very famous basketball player's son because they wanted someone who wasn't going to be causing problems and coming in at all hours.

You were the guy from my dorm hall who had a 0.4 GPA after his first semester.

You know. If there was a place called T.B. Ballsacks, I'd have to go once.

Lack of the helmet?
No, people are dumb.

Where I went to college, Taco Bell was for after you were done drinking.

Barbara's a lot more of a hero. Romero's girlfriend apparently gave him some shit for what a weak character she is in the original.

I'm not a "Here's what I'd do in a zombie attack", but that's what I always thought was the logical "survive for now" solution.

House Mormont should be changed to Lyanna chilling with a bunch of bears.

I was under the impression that is was always shit, but highly entertaining shit. Is it just shit shit now?

And the other characters do wonder "Where's The Doctor?" because he/she has his/her shit together.
On a sidenote: Come on, English. Can we get a freakin' gender neutral third person singular term. This would greatly help me when doing test cases.

And that's man who's daughter is married to a future incarnation of himself.

It's The Doctor and Companion not …. The Doctor … and Companion…

I was in my mid 20s when I realized I don't want to hang out at crowded bars anymore.

The Tardis always had bras. There a whole lot of crap laying around in the parts that we don't see.

A date would eat some of my tacos and I wouldn't have adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon.