Young Rutiger

Maybe we'll get a dude red head companion as red heads have completely shown themselves as the best NuWho companions.

Yeah, that dude is ugly good looking. While I'm not gay, I would probably marry David Tennant so I wouldn't call him blandly attractive either.

Go on.

1st Doctor - Man "Fine"
2nd Doctor - Man "Fine"
3rd Doctor - Man "Fine"
4th Doctor - Man "Fine"
5th Doctor - Man "Fine"
6th Doctor - Man "Fine"
7th Doctor - Man "Fine"
8th Doctor - Man "Fine"
9th Doctor - Man "Fine"
10th Doctor - Man "Fine"
11th Doctor - Man "Fine"
War Doctor - Man "Fine"
12th Doctor - Man "Fine"
13th Doctor -

Doubt it will happen. They would probably have to give Tennant an entire candy bar to come back and play The Doctor.

The Tardis has a entire room full of strap-ons.

If you say that your preteen child is a Doctor Who fan, I'm assuming you have a daughter.

There was a CNN article about a bunch of pastors praying over Donald Trump a couple days ago. It drove me nuts because they were talking about how they could have a real relationship with Trump that they couldn't with Obama. I could only think "REALLY? Donald Trump has the Christian values that you need to have a

True, but he was only occasionally embarrassing as a person. Trump does something embarrassing more or less everyday. I hated so many Bush policies but Trump I just look at and go "You elected a man who acts like this?"

I think it was Dana Carvey who had a bit about Bill Clinton. You liked
him even though he was full of bullshit because he knew you knew he was
full of bullshit.

Should have cast Elliot Knight from Sinbad.

Not that I'm aware of. It's part of the holy quadrilogy.

I'm hoping for a comeback of Will Smith Raps The Theme Song.

Elsa is a beast in the 3rd Disney Infinity. She'll wreck Jedi.

If Frozen lets you have Elsa on your team, destroying suckers with ice powers than i'm all for Frozen.

Nah, the only things unicorn horns can do is glow, point to the nearest rainbow, and play rave music.

God, who knew everyone who dated Pamela Anderson would bring the ruination of America.

He should just pose with Smashmouth and ICP

I'm not sure. What about Gerardo?