Young Rutiger

Her only power isn't that she talks to squirrels.

Squirrel Girl is known more for her callipygian badonk (An adjective I learned from Squirrel Girl).

Anything is great compared to Meatballs 2.

Very true. My mom was apparently nervous because I went away to college and knew absolutely no one. Not even, "guy from same school that I at least recognize". So I had to get out and meet new people. Though it helped that my freshman roommate was super outgoing and we got along so we did things together.

That was probably the hardest fight I had in the game.

Only her 1st appearance. She looks like a normal person but with a giant squirrel tail since she was reintroduced in the GLA.

I've only seen the first movie and they were enjoyable in that. I might get tired of them if I watch the other ones.

Too pert for Squirrel Girl? Is that possible?

A guy I worked with sent both his kids to a local private (so expensive) college and they lived at home. It drove me nuts since obviously money wasn't an issue.

I'm certainly glad it wasn't Kristen Schaal. I like her but she only works for a terrible Squirrel superhero (like from that episode of The Tick.)

David Cross as Leather Boy.

Will we get Tippy Toe or will we have to witness the murder of Monkey Joe?

and part girl!

He's trying to be the most stereotypical blue collar New Yawker.

My only complaint (which I assumed I was going to have with whoever) is age. I wanted to see a teenage Squirrel Girl.

I used to watch that.

I try not to look at her eyes. There is something really asymmetrical going on there.

I swear if it was named something else that it would be a much more popular classic game. Don't even remove the ChronoTrigger stuff. Make that a cool secret.

The Care Bear Stare can.

Which probably explains why he is the only one they don't bring back.