Young Rutiger

Tails trembled as Sonic……..

Would you like to see my tasteful Sonic the Hedgehog Erotica?

Do you want another video discussing the Cars Universe?
Cuz that's how you get videos discussing the Cars Universe.

Wait to you see Mater fucking tractors (which are the Cars equivalent of cows.)

The car getting humped appears to have 2 different sex expressions going on.

To see if he knocks out his tooth!

Yeah, I'm sure my teachers did everything in their power not to discuss Vietnam.

Dude, just turn it off and while you're there just get rid of your The Single Guy notification as well.

Has a show ever had a louder opening?

I'm just happy that we avoided the next Firefly/Arrested Development.

I still say Wacky Wild Kool-Aid Style when something is mildly surprising.

I was not happy when they stopped making Purplesaurus Rex which was a grape lemonade.

There's no use for it now with being able to see what is playing on your TV currently. I was really good at identifying movies that I'd never seen. Just the actors and maybe setting usually was enough if I had seen a trailer of it at some time in my life.

When I was a kid, you were lucky if you went much past WW2.

Clock Tower. The 2 most dreaded words in the English language.

I think the gap takes shape in the mid 40s. I think Nintendo is the console that developed adult gamers. I think people older played arcade and Atari (or Intellivision) and sort of stopped playing as they were around High School age when the NES came out.

He is a fake and a fraud. They could have written that 30 years ago if they wanted to. He's known for being a conman.

There's a lot of adjectives to describe this but not "meh"

I think they had a competition to find the worst voice actor to be Richter.

Yes, the guy destroyed another one years ago.