Young Rutiger

Chun Li's thighs.

That's the bonus "smash the car" stage.

I hated the Institute based on the fact that I must take anything that isn't considered stealing. I walked around so overloaded making sure to get every vase and ashtray.

My brother had it so when he was home from college I played it. I later had NHL 95 for SNES but the SNES NHL games weren't as good (one timers never worked.)

NHL 94

I prefer the Lazy Town/ Lil John mashup.

And it contained a fully formed adult Larry the Cable Guy?

I'd have a problem with a man winning the first women's MITB match for a woman if it wasn't James FRICKING Ellsworth. But it was James Ellsworth so I think it's funny and will fist pump the day Becky Lynch hits 5 exploder suplexes on him.

4th season is the weakest, but there's only 2 episodes I find not funny.

You don't notice when people have their balls out?

I believe real Americans fight for what's right for every man, fight for what's right, fight for your life!

I assume that was why they were cheering. Our graduation was in a hot gym, people were thanking me afterwards for only talking for about 2 minutes.

Oh, in my head was thinking the Spanish a was an English short a. I was thinking, you pronounce it Tay-co?

So they said Tah-cah?

How do you pronounce taco?

Nightcrawler 2: Going Rogue
Nightcrawler 3: Dangerous Gambit

Hey, Laffy Taffy is accepting jokes again.

Asian Ken will be called Kenny and wear short shorts.