Young Rutiger

I don't think it is reviled, but it seems to be ignored. It's the only reality show that I watch as well.

Small Wonder? That is possibly the worst sit-com ever.

Squidbillies is a weird for me. I don't like the show, but most of the episodes that I've seen are funny.

The other thing about "participation trophies." They've been around for ever. I'm 40 and they were a well established thing by the time I was playing sports as a little kid.

Wait until you see the realistic Hell House?

I have a feeling a lot of the weirdness of the game is going to be edited out which is part of what makes the game for me. I'm actually just bought FF7 when it was on sale on PSN and I'm about to go to Junon. Will I be able to march into the parade and get a high TV rating? God no. That's almost impossible. Also

And his amazing American accent in Dominion.

Wow. I mean, yeah. I get why the demons all fall in line with you.
You're like Tony Robbins. If he was a big scary … Frankenstein looking
… You're exactly like Tony Robbins.

I like Dawn in S5. They just didn't know what to do with her after the season 5 plot was done.

And who was Ben originally supposed to be? Xander.

Needs more drifting.

The horse (probably different actual prop) drove the plot of the 2nd Brady Bunch movie.

Stealth Gambit movie?

Casey Affleck is a heavy proponent of VCR board games.

I'm with you on Logan. Great character but did not like him as a love interest.

Yes, my script for a gender swapped "8 Heads in a Duffel Bag" just became worth something!

So the new thing for songs in trailers are slowed down versions of songs from the original Power Rangers movie?

They did "In The Future" without the "In The Future" voiceover?

Spoiler: Both their mothers are named Martha.

The opening monster attack in The Host is absolutely amazing. I love the randomness of the monster's targets. It at times focuses on something and really goes after it and ignores people right next to it.