Young Ramsay

And I’m not trying to insinuate that you, yourself, are writing in a way to drag his name through the mud but when something like this is written and published it’s the commenters that get the wrong idea and then turn on someone who they wouldn’t have done before if something as simple as that picture was included in

Please do not drag Etika’s name through the mud when you don’t include this in your article.

That’s not what clickbait is at all. Clickbait is something misleading from the title that’s not addressed in the content or something that is in the title but is addressed poorly or even a title that has no content in the title and is just some catchy title to make you read it. “YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED WHEN

Might want to also add that Etika also put the source to the fake Switch in the description of his most recent video.

It looks like the defense fund was set up by a fan and not Etika, it currently doesn’t have any donations though.

Yea there was no defense fund, just a fun stream with donations.

I’m sorry, but there was no “funding campaign to protect Etika from Nintendo’s wrath”. People can donate on the stream to support him and his channel, but there was no “defense fund”.

Yeah, when the font was pointed out to me I was 100% convinced it was a fake. I DIDN’T hear that Etika actually put up a defense fund because of this, which makes him kind of a piece of shit yeah?