
Also, can I just say - I hate how so much zombie media has some bullshit about them forming massive, migrating hordes just so that you know that no effort to clear out an area is ever really possible. It feels so cheap.

See also: Dying Light 2's weirdness wherein people have had a massive walled city for like twenty

My vanilla ps4 used to do the same, overheating all the time. Since it was out of warranty, and since I’m moderately capable at taking stuff apart, I followed a step-by-step disassembly of the ps4 and replaced the thermal paste on the cpu. It’s worked great since then— the fan still gets crazy loud on some games, even

If there isn’t a cheap katana and a feathered fedora somewhere in your dank, lonely apartment, then I’m a monkey’s uncle.

The MRAs flipping their shit completely sold me, personally.