
I get you, me too. All too many men lack the skill to reflect on their own behavior, even a little bit. I get that the culture doesn’t reward them directly for doing any reflection. I get that toxic masculinity poisions them, also. I do get that. It’s just that on a given day, men have a hard time treating women as

Just this morning while watching the news I became overcome and started ranting to my husband about how literally ALL of the world’s problems right now are being caused by terrible, angry men who want infinite power and money and at any cost.

You said exactly what’s been burning like acid inside me since November. Germaine Greer once said, Most women have no idea how much men hate them. I used to think that was extreme but now now. I feel like I’ve woken up from a daydream to reality.

I had a pretty high level person in my org at work continually make pregnancy jokes (pregnancy brain, etc, etc) and I just started turning on my phone video whenever i’d see him. Phone would be flat on desk so it’s just recording the audio around. after like a month I had like 7 videos with him slighting pregnant

Jezebel is #1 on my list of publications that helped me get through this election and this year.

And that Alt-right/Nazi motherfucker Richard Spencer who seig heiled in celebration of the fucking president and no conservatives denounced him. Wait, add male conservatives too. And, wait, any male newspaper editors who tried to gussie up Spencer’s image by portraying him as the dapper Nazi.

Fair enough.

I’m assuming that tomorrow we get the companion piece? Women Who Didn’t Get Away with Anything! Dilma Roussef. Christine LaGarde. Hillary Clinton. Park Guen Hye. Bev Cox (who paid with her life). Despite having lots of corrupt candidates and presidents, I can’t remember that we ever before were treated to chants to

I honestly think I will never forgive America for not electing our first and long overdue female president over a fucking liar & cheat. The misogyny this election brought out from the progressive side was truly depressing as fuck. It’s like we know conservatives hate us but it kind of blindsided me from our side. And

I would like to nominate Alex Jones and the rest of the conspiracy nutbags who perpetuate things like the Sandy Hook hoaxer nonsense. And is an adviser to Trump.

Thank you for writing this. I know this site gets accused of being an “echo chamber,” but god damn it at least someone’s keeping a list of people that society refuses to hold accountable for their actions

What about Michael Slager (the cop who shot Waler Scott in the back and then planted a gun on him)? I know there’s probably going to be another trial, but he certainly seems to be getting away with murder at the moment.

Narrowing this post down from the hundreds (thousands?) who came to mind must have been one of your hardest tasks this year.

Do people get paid good money for that level of euphemizing? “Belligerent” bad... “feisty” good!

I know it’s a stupid question, but I’m going to ask it anyway. How was Schiller not arrested for assault after what he did to that protester?

This. I get that we’re supposed to go ohhh shade, but this “I don’t know her” from Mariah has always been her saying, “I don’t really know those girls, never really met them, not friends with them, so I’m not speaking on them either way.”

Literally how I would answer every one of these questions. You know, if I were “Mariah-famous/talented”. These aren’t diva answers, they are, “I have no time for fake, air-kissy, bullshit” answers. Respect.

The people deflecting you are probably bots. Just saying. If they post about ‘liberal tears’ merch it’s probably a bot.

Even with medication, it’s damn hard. My husband’s breakdown played out a lot like Kanye’s, and it was awful. I wish them both well.

Being in a relationship with someone who has bipolar and is unmediated can be devastating. It feels impossible to stay and impossible to leave. Never thought I’d feel so much empathy for Kim.