
Always the Tiffany. Never the Ivanka.*

It seems that Christie’s star—despite its desperate glister—faded when he was incriminated in the New Jersey “Bridgegate” scandal. In fact, a whopping 71 percent of New Jersey voters would like to see him criminally charged.

Ambassador to Italy??! What, because there are lots of guidos in jersey?? Lol this administration is fucking hilarious.

He doesn’t just lack intellectual curiosity, he’s fucking lazy and unwilling to do any part of the job that he finds boring. He could literally get someone to read his daily briefings to him in their entirety, but he won’t even do that.

It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.

Smart people do their homework

of course, there’s no law saying the President-elect has to

Being LIKE a smart person is not the same thing as being a smart person.

Madonna can be a huge asshole AND ground breaking, trail blazing woman with a lot of valid insight into sexism in pop music. People can be more than one thing, and we need to stop requiring women in the public eye be more pure than their male counterparts.

Wesley Snipes is writing his debut novel, a supernatural thriller, in stores summer 2017.

She’s young for a presidential candidate, she has amazing work ethic, she has stamina, she defers to specialists, she is pro-civil rights and the environment — I mean, why the fuck not. Without exaggeration she is galaxies better than what we’re looking at.

There’s a strange silence about this from all the Republican retired generals, national security experts and secretaries of defense. I doubt they’d have been so quiet if HRC had suggested links back to the Kremlin.

John McCain and Lindsay Graham are trying to get an investigation going, and if all of the Democrats work with them, I think that’ll be a majority in the Senate.

Just to point out the Orwellian revisionist history? Those weapons of mass destruction lies weren’t the Obama Administrations doing, they belong to the Bush II and the Republican Party. This should be pointed out, the current crazy pills in the water supply times needs that rigor.

It was the biggest Electoral College victory in the history of 2016 elections! You just have to limit your focus until it’s true.

Um...are we still pushing the narrative that Hillary would have been just as bad as Donald? With Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in her cabinet instead of Bannon in Trump’s?

I realize we have to pay more attention to Russia trying to influence our election in Trump’s favor/to the way our politicians respond. But I don’t think it’s healthy to allow the president-elect to lie unchallenged, either. Just needs one sentence added to the end of the paragraph quoting the lie.

Mitch McConnell covers up foreign interference in our election process and his wife gets a cherry cabinet position despite being one of the most hated women in politics.

The Trump transition team released a statement that completely dismisses the intelligence. It reads, “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make

Seriously though, fuck Assange. He’s not a whistleblower or someone looking to spread the truth, he’s for sale to the highest bidder.